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Student Life - July 2024

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On the heels of camp this year for our student ministry, I wanted to take some time and share what happened in the lives of our students! First and foremost, praise God for the awesome week we had. I believe we hit a new record for the number of students that went to camp this year, which was 52. This means that 52 students were able to hear the Gospel poured out to them constantly over the span of five days by the incredible ministry of Crossings. I’ve already heard of a few stories of how camp this year had changed a few of the student’s lives or perspectives in their life. I truly believe that the Lord worked in the students' lives last week, and will continue to do so as time goes on. We also had seven faithful leaders serve our students during the week and give their precious time to Kingdom work. And for that, I’m incredibly grateful! I’m thankful we have many leaders that pour their hearts and souls into our students, sometimes weekly, and are still willing to go to camp and get less than desired amounts of sleep for the Gospel. 

While at camp, you quickly realize that it is an awesome and magical place. Not magical in a sense that camp is trying to trick or scam people into believing something. But Crossings camp is an amazing place that is solely centered around the Gospel for the Glory of God alone. Everything they do is connected to the Gospel and is designed in a way to point back to Jesus. When you have that level of commitment to the Kingdom of God, “magical” things can happen and the Lord can do tremendous works in the lives of people there. When you are at camp for the five days, you are disconnected from the outside world and you just get to focus on your relationship with the Lord; whether that be growing in your relationship or building one for the first time. Through some amazing worship by the Heartsong band to the faithful and piercing preaching of our camp pastor, I truly can report to you all that our camp experience this year was nothing short of amazing. However, the work does not stop there. It is our duty now to continue the Gospel and Kingdom work in these student’s lives. I really emphasize to everyone that once camp is over, do not continue on with normal life. If the Lord worked in your heart during camp, do something about it! Likewise, we as servants of the Lord shepherding these student’s lives, we need to continue shepherding them and growing them in the ways of the Lord and what He would have us do. 

So, with that being said, I’m happy to report to you that camp was awesome this year. We returned back safe and sound, with a bunch of memories and stories to tell parents and friends. Now we have VBS coming up and Middle School Mission Week on the horizon. We sure are busy, so keep an eye out for emails and info coming out about our future events! 

His Glory Alone
Alex Kilgore

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Women On Mission - July 2024

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Make Holes in Their Darkness
By: Dianne Swaim

A story is told of British author Robert Louis Stevenson when he was five years old.  According to the story, his nanny was putting him to bed, but he slipped over to the window when he knew it was time for the lamplighter.  As he watched the lamplighter light each street light individually, he excitedly called, “Come quick, Nanny! That man is making holes in the  darkness.”

That story has impacted me for years as I have traveled to several third world countries and viewed hunger and poverty for myself.  In Zimbabwe, I held a 10 trillion dollar bill in my hands, worth only 50 cents in the United States.  Meanwhile, there was no food on the grocery store shelves, hospitals and schools were shut down, and there was a cholera outbreak.

The darkness of hunger hovers over almost 1 billion people in the world.  As they always have, Southern Baptist keep a global eye on hurting people and develop programs, raise funds, and send people to meet their physical and spiritual needs.

Organized to Serve
Global Hunger Relief seeks to put structure to the vast resources possible when God’s people give.  Seven Southern Baptist entities collaborate to observe Global Hunger Sunday.  These partners include WMU, the International Mission Board, and the North American Mission Board.

Every dollar goes directly toward meeting hunger needs.  The Cooperative Program covers all administrative costs.  Eighty percent of funds are directed toward International causes and 20 percent focus on North America.  In 2020, 14 million meals were provided in North America, and nearly $3.5 million helped feed more than 600,000 people across the world.

These numbers certainly indicate the work has been successful.  However, until every person across the world has enough food, we dare not claim success.  Our church’s involvement will make a hole in someone's darkness of hunger.

Hunger banks were distributed on Sunday, June 3rd and will be returned on Sunday, August 25th.

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