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Kids Happenings January 2018

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Hello church family,

I’m writing this newsletter in mid December because of the holidays fast approaching and the busyness will soon get the best of me. So please bare with me for not being in the New Year spirit but more in the Christmas spirit…
I love this time of the year when we get to come together with our family and friends and break bread together, along with sharing past memories, present happenings, and future endeavors. If you know me, you will know that I’m not a fan of the cold weather but, thankfully there is so much more beauty with lit Christmas trees and twinkling lights throughout the neighborhoods that make for a beautiful season.  The children are on their best behavior (most of the time) because they know that could mean more gifts under the tree for them.  But, most of all, the songs of rejoicing on the radio, in the stores, and even some restaurants bring a smile to my face.  The business owners may think they are just playing “Christmas music” but in reality they are proclaiming the birth of our Lord with the majority of the classic Christmas carols. That’s the best part! Praising our Lord for sending His son.  A gift so precious to all who will receive Him.  A genuine reason for the season. Joy to the World the Lord has come, Let earth receive their King.

Fast forward a couple weeks into the New Year and we are left in a place of wanting to do better with our health, our attitudes, our time spent with loved ones, our bible studies, and the list goes on and on.  Is it because it’s a new year to start fresh or is because we have been reminded once again that we have a Savior that made the ultimate sacrifice for us and we are obligated to live a life that is worthy of His praise?  I pray it is the latter of the two but all too often it is the not.  This new year you have a chance to make a difference in your life for the good of the kingdom and not for the good of... just you.  When you think back to the Christmas season I described, think about the reason you are so blessed and the reason we all were able to celebrate that Christmas season.  It’s because “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son so that whoever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” You have already been given a gift of eternal life with Christ in you now, and you with Him into eternity.

I want to encourage you to make a change for the better because He has already made a better way for you!  Your “better”, should be to “imitate God, in everything you do, because you are His dear child.”

Thank you for allowing me to love on your kiddos.

God Bless,


Kids Happenings September 2017

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Hello church family,

I am overly excited to share with you about all the new and exciting things that have been happening within our  children’s ministry!

At the end of July I, along with four other brave adults, went to kids camp with twenty-eight 3rd-6th grade children.  We had an amazing time! We had 2 children pray to receive Christ and several children express wanting to live a life that aligns with what Christ wants for them.  We had many deep discussions and children came away from camp with stronger friendships and an urge to have a stronger relationship with Christ. Praise the Lord!

Our new Kids Worship Experience format started on August 13th and was a success!  Children were welcomed into a different environment and structure of worship and enjoyed every bit of it.  We also have devoted weekly teachers for all age groups during 2nd and 3rd service.  This is a huge blessing to have consistent leaders pouring into and influencing our children’s Christian walk.  I am excited to see what God has in-store for our children through this new concept. Feel free to join in on this time during 9:30 or 11am service. We would love to have you!

The new Check-in and attendance tracker was implemented at the end of July.  Thank you Pastor Bryan Gotcher for all the hours and stress of getting it properly set up.  With this new check-in system we are able to track attendance more accurately and have a better security system in place to protect the children.  We will have two more check-in  stations strategically placed in the upper level of the church members and guest can check-in more conveniently on Sunday morning.

Happenings for the month of September…  AWANA registration has taken place and we will kick-off our Wednesday evening schedule starting September 6th from 6-7:30.  We will have a parent night on September 13th. This will be a time for parents to join me in the fellowship hall to discuss how you as a parent can help your child have the full AWANA experience and grow closer to God and learn His word.

Thank you for allowing me to love on your kiddos.

God Bless,

