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Women On Mission July 2016

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Please remember these requests from our missionaries:

PRAYER FOCUS - DAKAR (DAH-KAR), SENEGAL: Very few people among Clint’s* people group have accepted Jesus.  His faith is solid, but he hasn’t told any of his family members of his decision to follow Jesus for fear of persecution.  Pray for Clint’s family to be open to the gospel, and ask that he will have the courage to share. *Name changed

PRAYER FOCUS - MINNESOTA: Matthew Nnadi is a church planter serving as pastor of The Good Samaritan Baptist Church in Minneapolis/St. Paul with his wife, Deborah.  They are urgently in need of adoption, sponsorship, or partnership in mission.  Pray for the growth of their new church plant.  Also, the church van is in poor condition.  They use this van to transport members who are not mobile and for the hunger ministry.  Pray the Lord would meet this need.

PRAYER FOCUS - SOUTHEAST ASIAN PEOPLES: English centers are a good way to meet people and share the gospel.  One of the difficulties of maintaining this type of outreach is the ever-changing regulations and requirements.  Pray for workers on one island to have favor with those in authority so they can maintain permits and visas.

PRAYER FOCUS - TIHAMA (TIH-HAH-MAH) YEMENI ARABS OF YEMEN: A father and his grown son make and sell bread each day, sending their earnings back to their wives and children on the other side of the desert.  Pray these men will find the Bread of Life and send everlasting sustenance home to their families.

PRAYER FOCUS - TAJIKS (TAH-JEEKS) OF AFGHANISTAN: Many younger Tajiks use Facebook on their smartphones even though they do not regularly access the Internet in other ways.  Pray for a media group that that is producing daily posts that include Scripture, songs, videos, and audio from radio programs.   Pray God will use these posts to draw Tajiks to the Savior.

PRAYER FOCUS - ALL MISSIONARIES: Missionaries may have to take a bus, train, ferry, or plane to a city or another country for medical treatment.  Pray they will experience safety and peace on their journey to find good health providers.

Please continue to feed your World Hunger Bread Banks!

Women on Mission will meet Monday, July 11 at 6:00 p.m. at the church.  All our ladies are invited to be with us.



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Women on Mission June 2016

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In the world today…

An estimated 1.02 billion people, or about one-sixth of the world’s population, are undernourished.  Every five seconds, a child dies from malnourishment.  In the United States alone, 49 million people - 17 million of whom are children - do not have enough to eat.  These are sobering facts for those of us who never miss a meal.  What can we do to help change these numbers? -statistics cited at GlobalHungerRelief.com

Since 1981 Oakhill has given to a World Hunger Offering, to be used in America and throughout the world in areas where the need is greatest.  These funds are administered by missionaries already on the field.

On June 5th, World Hunger Bread Loaf Banks will be provided for each family.  Please put these on your dining table or in a place where family can see it, talk about it, and put money in it on a regular basis.  This is a good teaching tool for children, helping them to be generous toward others who are in need.

Return your banks to the church on August the 8th.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, June 13th at the church at 6:00 p.m.


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