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Women On Mission - February 2024

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Thank you for your generous support of missions!

Here are the Oakhill Mission receipts for 2023.


Mission Club

Special Offerings


North American Missions (Annie Armstrong)




International Missions (Lottie Moon)




State Missions (Hoosier Heartbeat)




Life Change Central  (Oakhill Projects)




Highland Lakes Camp




International Seafarers Center




World Hunger




Combined Mission Club Giving




 In addition, $48,245.57 was given through the Cooperative Program to the Southern Baptist Convention, most of which goes to support missions, as well as our seminaries and other entities. Our World Mission Club is an opportunity to give to missions on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. (This is over and above our regular tithes and offerings).

This is collected throughout the year and distributed as follows:
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (51.6%); Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (19.6%); Life Change Central/Oakhill Ministries (10.0%); State Missions Offering (10.0%); State Camp Offering (8.8%).

If you are not giving in this systematic way, please consider doing so in 2024. Offering envelopes are provided by the church.

Women on Mission will meet next on Thursday, March 7th at 1:00 pm in Grace classroom. All ladies are invited to join.

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Women On Mission - January 2024

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International Mission Board...at a Glance...by Meghan Crawford Roy

- The mission of the International Mission Board (IMB) is to serve Southern Baptists in carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.
- Since 1845, IMB has sent around 25,000 Southern Baptist missionaries to share the gospel in 185 countries.
- IMB was originally called the Foreign Mission Board. The name was changed in order to be more inclusive of all people. The term foreign insinuated that missionaries were natural but the people they were reaching were different or foreign. The word international implies that the gospel is accessible to every person in the world.
 - IMB’s first missions field was China, where IMB appointed the first missionaries to serve in September 1845. Then, in 1873, IMB sent Lottie Moon to China. Her work would go on to impact international missions for more than a century and counting, which is why the annual international missions offering is named in her honor.
- Through the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, in 2022, IMB supported more than 3,400 missionaries who reached 67 new people groups and places, held 102,417 baptism, preached the gospel to 728,589 people, planted 21,231 churches, and saw 178,177 people turn to Christ.
- IMB has identified seven primary affinity groups (large groupings of related peoples that share similar origins, languages, and culture) to act as a lens through which to view lostness. These are American Peoples, Asian Pacific Rim Peoples, Central Asian Peoples, European Peoples, Northern African and Middle Eastern People, South Asian Peoples, and Sub-Saharan African Peoples.
- IMB also identifies an eighth affinity group - Deaf Peoples. Among the Deaf Peoples around the world who were reached in 2022, 2,261 heard the gospel for the first time, 122 became new believers in Christ, 97 were baptized, and 60 received leadership training. Additionally, 14 new Deaf churches were planted.
- There are 3,072 unengaged, unreached people groups in the world. IMB defines an unreached people group as one where there is no Indigenous community of believing Christians able to engage the people group with church planting. It identifies an unengaged people group as one where there is no church planting strategy, consistent with evangelical faith and practice, under way.
- The IMB Pray app provides updates with specific prayer requests from missionaries. IMB Pray lets you know how you can best pray for unreached people and places.
- The IMB Advance the Kingdom app enables churches to get their members involved with missions and find all the latest data about unreached places.

Women on Mission will not meet in January.

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