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October Pastor's Points

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Dear Church Family,

I want to talk about God’s faithfulness this month because since last November, God has shown Himself to be so faithful to myself and our church family.  Since last November I have felt the reality of all out spiritual warfare like I have not felt before in my 20 years of ministry.  But in the midst of it all, God has shown His faithfulness to me and our church family stronger than I have ever felt in all of my ministry!  In the midst of the battle we have seen more baptisms than we have had in the last few years and He is providing for us financially like never before!!  God is so faithful!  He is worthy of our trust!

I was reading the devotional, Our Daily Bread and in it I found the following story shared by Jennifer Benson Schuldt…

My little girl stood apprehensively at the pool’s edge. As a non-swimmer, she was just learning to become comfortable in the water. Her instructor waited in the pool with outstretched arms. As my daughter hesitated, I saw the questions in her eyes: Will you catch me? What will happen if my head goes under?

The Israelites may have wondered what would happen when they crossed the Jordan River. Could they trust God to make dry ground appear in the riverbed? Was God guiding their new leader, Joshua, as He had led Moses? Would God help His people defeat the threatening Canaanites who lived just across the river?

To learn the answers to these questions, the Israelites had to engage in a test of faith—they had to act. So they “set out from their camp to cross over the Jordan, with the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant before [them]” (v.14). Exercising their faith allowed them to see that God was with them. He was still directing Joshua, and He would help them settle in Canaan (vv.7, 10, 17).

If you are facing a test of faith, you too can move forward based on God’s character and His unfailing promises. Relying on Him will help you move from where you are to where He wants you to be.

Lord, we’re prone to quickly forget Your goodness
and care for us. May we trust You today and
into the New Year—whatever uncertainties we
face. You are the God who can be trusted.

Fear fades when we trust our Father.

I have learned this truth over the past several months.  Fear fades when you trust in the Father!!

Trusting Him Together,

 Pastor Alan

Posted by Alan Scott with

October Student Blog

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I came across a blog yesterday that just really struck a cord with me. Though I am not blessed with the incredible gift of being a parent or raising a family, it still resonated with me as I think about trying to care for the hearts of the students in our ministry well. It was such a good reminder that just because something is difficult and feels like a battle doesn’t mean that things are wrong. Perhaps it will encourage your heart as well:


Please check out Kristen Welch's blog entitled: Parenting is Hard. Especially when you are doing it right.



De:Fined DNOW - OCTOBER 16 - 18

I cannot emphasize enough how much I feel that your student needs to attend this year’s DNOW. Last year was (and still is) one of my favorite events that we’ve done as we looked at confession and the importance of bringing things into light and how we need to encourage one another and be light to one another. It was a powerful weekend from start to finish and God brought about a million things together that did some amazing things in my heart, the hearts of our leaders and the hearts of our students.


This year’s topic is more timely and more needed than I had originally even thought. We are going to be really digging into our identities and looking at how specifically WORDS shape what we think about ourselves and others. Often we are allowing lies to define us and our worlds rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will also talk about the privilege and responsibility of speaking love and life into others. It is going to be a very powerful weekend and it’s a topic that I think all of our students need to hear right now. So please, sign your student up today by going online to oakhillbc.org/events. Don’t let them miss what our Savior has to say to them.


Much Love to you all, 


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