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Spare Change - April 2021

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“The Great Commission” or “The Great Suggestion”

Why does it feel like we treat Jesus’ commission to the church in Matthew 28:16-20 as optional? Recently Pastor Brian Van Doren and I have been discussing evangelism and discipleship on the Families for Life Podcast (oakhillbc.org/f4l). We have been looking at these topics in light of how Jesus did them during His earthly ministry. We have been using The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman as an outline for these discussions. It could really be called the “Master’s” plan of evangelism because Coleman looks at the life of Jesus and extrapolates principles that we can incorporate in our own lives to share our faith and make disciples. Check out the podcast for a more in depth look at those topics.

Today, I simply want to share that I am burdened by modern Christianity’s lack of emphasis on discipleship. We simply do not make disciples as Jesus called us to in the Great Commission. This is something that must change for the Kingdom of God to grow and to secure the future of the church for generations to come. Let us take a look at Matthew 28 and discover why it is such an important text:

Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:16-20

I am sure you have read this passage or heard it preached before, perhaps many times. I know that when I read something repeatedly it can lose its significance; however, we need to read this passage with fresh eyes. Do me a favor, read it again, this time slowly and think about what Jesus is saying. Remember this is one of the last things that Jesus said to His followers before He ascended to the right hand of God the Father. These words should be taken very seriously.

Notice in this that the commission is given by the authority of Jesus but not just that, at the end He says He will be with us to accomplish the work. The whole process of reproducing our faith in others in contingent on the Lord Jesus. That should fill us with much hope and confidence. It does not depend on you or me, it depends fully on Jesus! This should give us excitement for the task of making disciples.

Now notice the actual command that Jesus gives us, it is not to make converts but rather to make disciples, or followers of Jesus. They are to be people that are saved, baptized and in the process of becoming like Jesus. That is what a disciple is! But a disciple is not fully mature until they themselves are making disciples. Followers of Jesus are commanded to carry on this mission, passing it on to the next person then the next and so forth. This is how the kingdom of God is built. This is how we are instructed to multiply our faith.

I have been convicted of this truth over the past few years which has caused me to commit to being in at least one discipleship relationship in one form or another once a year. Sometimes it is a one-on-one relationship and sometimes it is in a D-group format. I think that this goal is a good, manageable goal that all Christians should have. We need to be pouring our lives into someone else for the kingdom of God.

So, ask yourself if there is someone you need to be discipling right now? Maybe it is someone you can or have led to Christ recently. Maybe it’s someone that has been a Christian for a while, but they have never been discipled. There are a ton of people in that situation. Simply find a good resource, like Growing Up by Robby Gallaty or The Walk by Stephen Smallman, and meet once a week with them. These books will lead you through the process of discipleship.

I am making it sound easy because it really is easy. It does take time and energy, but it is so worth that investment for the Kingdom. From the outside looking in you might be fearful to start, or you might feel like you do not know enough to disciple someone. Here is the thing, Jesus will give the strength, the wisdom, and the help to carry out this mission. He is not looking for perfect followers, He simply wants faithful ones. Will you take seriously the task of making disciples? Will you commit to enter into a discipleship relationship as either the discipler or disciplee in 2021? Remember, we need disciples that will make disciples, that is the mark of a truly mature believer and that is taking the Great Commission seriously!

Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

Student Ministry - April 2021

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Dear Church Family,

Recently I was asked by one of our students what to think about the fact that their friends say they believe in Jesus, but also affirm the idea that people should be able to live however they want. This is specifically related to the LGBTQ+ lifestyle. This is a normal question that our students and even elementary students have to grapple with at school. It is a question that we cannot avoid. It is a reality that is going to confront Christians at every turn, and has begun attacking Christian schools, universities, and organizations. How should we respond when the world expects us to get in line with its philosophies of gender and sexuality norms?

The answer to that question really depends on a few things. The main thing it depends on is who you want to please. There are only two options to choose from when it comes to being pleasing. You can either be pleasing to men or pleasing to God. You can either serve the world, or you can serve God. They are mutually exclusive. But isn’t that exactly what the world disagrees with? They think you can serve both God and men. But that is not what God says. In James 4:4 He clearly states: “You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So if you want to please men, then all you need to do is agree with them and disagree with God. It is pretty simple, but it has dire consequences.

I think that deep down inside, people know they shouldn’t agree with the philosophies of the world. That is why the decision to adopt an LGBTQ+, or any other sinful lifestyle, usually takes some time and serious consideration. Sometimes, though, it is only a difficult decision because they have a hard time deciding which people to please. But what about people who don’t care about pleasing men, but rather want to please God? How do we respond to the pressure of the world to conform to their ideals? The Bible is really helpful with this (shocker). Romans 12 says to us “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” If you want to please God, the only way to do that is by letting Him transform you by the Word in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We go to Jesus just as we are, sin and all. But Jesus changes us and transforms our thoughts and way of life. This is what the world just can’t stand.

This is not a belligerent take at the LGBTQ+ community or anything like that. This is just where our students live. They are constantly bombarded by these questions, and they need answers. This is simply a statement of non-conformity to the status quo. I’ve been bullied a lot before as I was growing up, and I expect to be pushed around as a Christian adult too. But that is just going to make me more non-conformist and more gospel transformist. If this is where our students live, then we must help them reject and stand up to the bullying of the world. We must help them go to Jesus in the Word and be transformed in their minds. We must help them understand what God says is right versus what people think is right. And we must pray that God would soften their hearts to believe Him and desire to please Him instead of the world. And this we must do all with the right attitude. So my prayer is that God would transform us to be like Jesus. That we would take hard stands against His enemies, all while loving them and desiring them to turn and be saved.

Posted by Brian Van Doren with

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