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September Pastor's Points

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Church Family,

I pray things are going well for you and your family as we approach the fall season.  We have had an exciting summer full of camps, mission trips, vbs, and church-wide fellowship events!!  The result of some of this summer ministry activity culminated in us baptizing 10 of our children and youth on one Sunday!!  And the good news is that we are still following up with others that are preparing to follow in baptism as well!!

Also, on Sunday August 30th we launched our regular schedule of ministry for the fall with new Life enrichment classes, children’s ministry, and student small groups all on Sunday nights.  Attendance in all parts of the new fall schedule was very strong and we are looking for God to do awesome and amazing things as we minister together.  Make sure that you are plugged in to what God is up to!  Along with the new fall schedule on Sunday evenings, we are also offering a new music ministry piece as we are asking our people to come together on Wednesday evenings to learn a musical piece called “Believe in Christmas”!  If you love to sing please come and be a part of this special “Christmas Worship Experience” that will be presented at our Christmas dessert fellowship on December 13th.  Rehearsal is at 7:30pm on Wednesday nights. 

Finally, I want to encourage you to be in attendance over the next few weeks as we begin a new sermon series entitled “Unforgiven”.  We are going to consider the need for believers to walk in forgiveness with others.  I am very aware that some of us have been hurt very deeply by others in whom we just do not feel like we can ever forgive.  Then there are others that choose not to forgive over very minor offenses, but feel very justified in their lack of forgiveness.  We are going to consider the absolute necessity of forgiveness in our relationships if we are going to walk in obedience to the Lord.  We are also going to consider what happens if we choose not to forgive and what that will produce in our lives.  We will consider pride, anger, bitterness, hatred, but we will end with joy as we look at the blessing of restoration between brothers and sister in Christ.  This can be a life-changing sermon series if we will listen to the Word of God as we are led by the Spirit of God to become more like the Son of God!!  I cannot wait to see what God is going to do among us!!

I love you and I love being your pastor!!


Posted by Alan Scott with

August Pastors Points

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Dear Church Family,

This month I want to give you a quick update on a few very important items in the life of our church.

New Worship Pastor

The search process has been under way since May.  There have been many resumes reviewed and some interviews as well, but at this time, we do not have a candidate to the point of meeting with our elder team or personnel team.  Please continue to pray for our search process for this very key position on our church’s ministry team.  We are seeking God’s direction in this search and I have all confidence that He will lead us to the person He has prepared for our church family.  In the meantime, please keep praying for Jeff Thornton and Troy Rhinefort as they faithfully serve us in leading in our worship ministry.  There are exciting days right around the corner!!

Sunday Nights @ Oakhill!!

Very soon we will be able to share all of the details about Sunday Evenings here at Oakhill.  Beginning August 30th we will be offering a full slate of ministry opportunities for every age.  Kids, students, and adults will all have something offered for them.  For twelve weeks we will be offering ministry opportunities for our children and youth, as well as, our adults.  Classes will be offered in six week sections which will allow our adults to experience two different classes in this 12 week time slot.  These classes are going to be impactful.  I plan on personally offering classes that are going to tackle some of the harder issues of our day.  We will consider the leading arguments that
culture makes on certain topics and then we are going to answer them biblically to help us be ready to give an answer to a world that is so lost and confused.  This will also help to strengthen our faith as we see clearly that God’s Word is relevant to any and every topic of our day!    I am very excited about Sunday Nights @ Oakhill!!!

Be “One Another” Christians

Now would be a great time for every person who is a member or regular attender of Oakhill to look up the “one another”passages in the New Testament and make it your goal to live these passages out in your relationships with each other.  I challenge all of us to take these passages seriously and apply them and live them out in our lives.  We need our love to grow for each other like never before!!!  Be a “one another” brother or sister.  Take God’s Word seriously and live it out in your life! 


Would you please pray?!  Pray for your elders, pastors, staff, and leaders like never before.  Satan will do all that he can to attack and undermine what God desires to do in our church and we must refuse to let Satan get a foothold.  So pray!!  Pray for
direction, wisdom, protection and a resolve for us to follow God’s direction and glorify Him above everything else.  Also, pray for your fellow brothers and sister in Christ.  Many people have so much pressing in on them that the prayers of others would mean so much.  Pray for them in your private prayer time, but also be sensitive to God’s leading and pray specifically with those that God lays on your heart.  There is power in prayer!!!  Let’s demonstrate that we believe that!!!


I love you and I love being your pastor!


Posted by Alan Scott with
