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Pastor's Point - October 2022

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Dear Church Family,

This month I just want to remind you of my deep abiding love for you as the people that God has blessed me with to minister to. I am so thankful to be your pastor for these last sixteen years. I do not consider myself a poet, but I felt led to write this and share it with you this month.

The pastor’s passion is for his people
Ministry is not about big buildings and steeples

The pastor’s heart is full and broken
Ministry is about words said and some not spoken

The pastor’s mind is confused and clear
Ministry is details for things both far and near

The pastor’s soul is both encouraged and tired
Ministry is challenges and being tested by fire

The pastor’s body is both frail and strong
Ministry is a calling for all life-long

The pastor’s vision is both cloudy and clear
Ministry is following Jesus who is ever so near

The pastor’s hands are both shaky and steady
Ministry is life lived always staying ready

The pastor’s love is for his people
The ones who gather under the steeple

The pastor’s love for them is unconditional and strong
The ones who worship and shout out their song

The pastor’s love continues through the years
Ever loving, ever longing, ever near

I love you and I love being your pastor

Posted by Alan Scott with

Pastor's Point - September 2022

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Dear Church Family,

I am so thankful for all the new things the Lord is doing in our church.

As most of you should know by now, we have extended a call to Evan Gray to come and be our new Worship Pastor, and I could not be more excited! Evan, Sarah, and their kids, James and Charlotte, are going to be wonderful additions to our church family. Evan is called, gifted, and has a heart for the local church. I believe in the coming months and years we will come to appreciate the kindness of the Lord to send Evan and his family our way.

Recently, we have had people placing their trust in Jesus as their Savior and Lord and following in baptism. This is what it is all about! Lives changed by the power of the
Gospel. There is no better way to start our services than to watch people follow in obedience in baptism. Please keep praying for more to hear the Gospel and respond in faith.

A new season of ministry has begun for our children’s and student ministries. Each Sunday and Wednesday, there is important ministry being offered through AWANA, Life Groups, Student Worship, and UPWARD, as well as other special fall events. In every new season of ministry, God always shows up and blesses our children and students, and I know He is going to do it this fall as well.

I am so thankful that we have begun to build the new student ministry space at South Campus. This is going to be a great place for our students to be invested in spiritually, to see them grow closer together as a group, and most importantly, grow closer to God in their relationship with Him. If you would like to help in the development of this
project, please call the church office and let us know. Also, please know that we will be renovating the old student ministry space at South Campus soon to provide a dedicated large ministry space for our children’s ministry.

As your pastor I want you to know that God has me focused and dedicated for all the ministry that is waiting for us in the months and years to come. I have been blessed to be your pastor for sixteen years! I am praying that our best days as a church family are still ahead of us as God moves in great ways, and then we simply follow Him, asking Him to lead us and guide us every step of the way!!

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with

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