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Family Ministry Moments - March 2024

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See the Example, Be the Example

The best way to learn is to imitate someone.  In many professions, this is called on-the-job training.  You watch someone perform a task then you perform it under their
supervision until you are proficient in the task.  This is also true in our Christian walk.  This type of training is called discipleship.  Discipleship has an aspect of formal training, which is what we often think of when we hear the word.  We see this in many settings like worship, small groups, discipleship groups, Bible studies, devotions, etc.  This type of discipleship is very important; however, it is not the only form.

Discipleship has on-the-job training.  This means we see the example of a more mature Christian and learn from them.  This principle is readily apparent in 1 Thessalonians 1.  In verses 2-3, Paul makes it clear that the Christians in Thessalonica get it.  They are par excellence when it comes to faith.  This is only the case because they took seriously the gospel call in their lives.  In verse 4 Paul remembers the time he shared the gospel with them, and God showed His power in their lives through the work of the Holy Spirit.  Then in verse 5, Paul reminds them of his character.

Paul along with his companions sought to live holy and righteous lives so that they could be an example to the church.  Paul says in verse 5 that they did this for the sake of the
Thessalonians.  This doesn’t mean that Paul did not seek to live a holy life at other times, but that he was hypervigilant to be a godly example for their benefit.  This led the Christians to a deeper and more mature faith and before long the church at Thessalonica became an example to all the believers in the entire region (verse 7).

The example they set was one of faith, they trusted in the Lord above everything else.  In verses 9-10, Paul points out how the Christians in Thessalonica turned away from idols and worshipped the Lord alone.  They also watched expectantly for the Lord's return.  They had a heavenly mindset as they patiently lived out their lives on earth.  This is a sure sign of maturity.  This would have been a powerful example to other believers.

There are two things I think we can learn from this passage.  One, we must find and imitate godly examples.  Paul was a great example of faith for them to look at, but Paul was not perfect. He was the first to tell you that he was a sinner saved only by the grace of God; however, there was something that Paul did very well, he made it clear that his focus was on Jesus.  Even when you looked at the example of Paul you were pointed to Jesus.  Paul did not seek to exalt himself, rather he sought to exalt Jesus in everything he did.  This is important when we look for a godly example.  We cannot just find someone who calls themselves a Christian and hitch our proverbial wagon to them.  Often when we find a teacher who makes themselves the star, they fail either morally or theologically.  If you affix your faith to that person then when they fail, you are left shattered and broken.  We must always remember that people are imperfect.  We should never exalt a person, rather we look for examples that seek to keep Jesus as the center.

Second, as we mature in our faith, we must become an example of godliness.   We should not shy away from being an example rather we should encourage it, provided we are looking to Jesus for our example.  My prayer is that my life and the lives of those in the church will encourage all the believers in our community.  We want to live a life that brings glory to God and helps others to glorify Him as well.  Let’s remember the words of Paul from 1 Corinthians 11:1,
“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”  Let us be the example of Christ that we want to see in others!

Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

Worship Ministry - March 2024

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Names of God: El-Gibôr - “Mighty God”

I remember, even though it's been 20-plus years later, riding the bus home from school one day, and a police car pulling us over because there was a tornado nearby. This
shouldn’t have been a surprise to any of us, we did live in Oklahoma for crying out loud, the heart of Tornado Alley! I remember very clearly how quickly the bus went from calm normal conversations to panic. A bus full of crying elementary-aged kids scared that the tornado was going to come toward us. All of us assumed the worst was going to happen; our imaginations ran wild. The threat was real enough that the driver made us get out and lay down in a nearby ditch. Not sure if that would have saved us or not, but a memory I will never forget nonetheless.

I’m still scared of high winds! I have a very irrational fear of a tree falling on me when I hear the wind whipping outside. I start pacing around the house, I put my shoes on (no idea why), and I start watching the weather on the news. My heart starts racing. If you need confirmation, just ask my wife Sarah who has to live with this fearful man. She is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, she can sleep through most storms and I have unnecessarily woken her up way too many times!

El-Gibôr - ghib-bore’ - strong man, brave man, mighty man
“17 Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. 18 You show love to thousands but bring the punishment for the parents’ sins into the laps of their children after them. Great and mighty God, whose name is the Lord Almighty,” - Jeremiah 32:17-18

All of us have those fears in life, some things are worth fearing, and some that aren’t, like mine! Oh that we would remember that our God is the Mighty God - El-Gibhor. When our will begins to bend to the fears in our lives, may we be reminded that the God we serve and praise is the Almighty. We worship the Christ that in Mark chapter four calms the winds and the waves with His voice and they obey. We belong to the God who defeated Goliath with but a stone!

“3 For the Lord is a mighty God, a mighty king over all the gods. 4 He rules over the whole earth, from the deepest caves to the highest hills. 5 He rules over the sea, which he made; the land also, which he himself formed. 6 Come, let us bow down and worship him; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! 7 He is our God; we are the people he cares for, the flock for which he provides.” - Psalm 95:3-7

So, even in our fear, “let us bow down and worship Him.” Let us trust in the mightiest of warriors, knowing that His power is greater; knowing His control and glory will overcome. The next time your fear begins to overwhelm you, like when the next strong wind blows into town, seek God’s presence. Press into His strength and His will, desiring to see God’s glory shine through your life, and don't rely on your strength!

Love you and mean it!

Posted by Evan Gray with

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