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February Kid's Happenings

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Hello Church Family,

We have many opportunities on the horizon for you and your children. Please check out all of the things listed below, along with their dates so you can be in prayer about what you would like to be apart of.

  • Upwards Celebration will take place on March 6th 6:30pm @ Central High School.
  • Crown Him With Many Crowns Children’s Musical Production. The musical will take place on Good Friday, April 3rd @ 7pm. Children will practice every Sunday evening @ 6pm starting January 25th. Parents are encouraged to attend the Life on Mission Study presented by Pastor Alan, taking place at the same time in the Fellowship Hall. Through this production your child will have a variety of ways to be involved. For example: Singing, Drama, Sign Language, Set Design, and Costume. If your child was unable to attend the January 25th meeting and would like to still be apart of the production please contact Pastor Jason or myself.
  • Easter Eggstravaganza is right around the corner. The event will take place on Saturday, April 4th @ the Associational Grounds. Volunteer sign up sheets will be in the lobby in the near future.
  • Vacation Bible School (Journey Off The Map) June 22nd-26th. Volunteer sign up sheets will be located in the lobby on March 1st. Please be prayerfully deciding if you would like to work with our children in VBS. We have several needs, for example: leaders for all ages up to 5th grade, recreation, snacks, crafts, music, drama, and missions.

Feel free to contact me with any questions regarding these events. Thank you for the opportunity to love on your kids.

God Bless,

April Sharp

February Women On Mission

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Oakhill Mission Offering receipts for 2014:

  • Annie Armstrong Easter Offering     $7,253.87
  • Lottie Moon Christmas Offering       $4,446.77
  • World Hunger Offering                   $2,804.71

Mission Club Offering (designated):

  • Annie Armstrong Easter Offering      19.6%      $4,391.19
  • Lottie Moon Christmas Offering        51.6%      $11,560.46
  • State Missions Offering                   10.0%       $2,240.40
  • Life Change Central (O. Hill)            10.0%       $2,240.40
  • Highland Lakes Offering                  8.8 %        $1,971.55
    • World Mission Club Total                        $22,404.00
    • Combined Missions Giving                      $36,929.35


Denying Self to Pray and Give So Others May Hear

Foundations for the Week of Prayer for North American Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) can be traced back to Annie Armstrong herself. As a young woman, Annie began giving to various missions causes in her hometown of Baltimore, Maryland. As her missions horizons expanded, she also contributed to missions endeavors as far west as Oklahoma, as far east as China, and many places in between. It was Annie who led the women of the Southern Baptist Convention to give funds for the work of the Home Mission Board (now the North American Mission Board, or NAMB). Her concern for the plight of missionaries on the frontier home missions fields led her to institute a plan of sending boxes of necessities, supplies, and surprises to those missionaries. Throughout her service, she prayed for, wrote to, was an advocate for, visited, and encouraged frontier missionaries. “In 1895, Armstrong led the WMU to contribute $5,000 to help alleviate the Home Mission Board’s $25,000 debt and prevent the withdrawal of missionaries from their missions fields. In response, WMU instituted the Week of Self-Denial as a time of praying for and giving to home missions.” Since that year, Southern Baptists have observed an annual week of prayer for home missions and taken a special home missions offering. The offering was named in honor of Annie Armstrong in 1934.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, February 9th at 7:00 PM at the home of Barbara Burns. We will meet at the church to carpool at 6:45 PM.

Posted by Bryan Gotcher with
