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November Spare Change

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WANTED: Someone Willing to Give Their Life Away

Opportunities abound at Oakhill to give your life away.  There are opportunities to invest in our students, coach an Upward team, or share your gifts in worship.  There are so many ways to give your life away!  The real question is: are you willing to give it away?

I know life is busy.  I have a wife, four kids, a demanding job, and a great church family that keep me very busy.  Sometimes at the end of the day it’s all I can do to stay awake long enough to make it through Jimmy Fallon’s monologue.  But is that really what life is about…busyness?

No, life should not be about just being busy to better our lives or to be busy for the sake of busyness.  We need to be doing something worthwhile with our time.  We need to use some of it, maybe just a few hours a week, to invest in other people.

According to The Atlantic we spend 8.6 hours working, 7.6 hours sleeping, 1.8 hours on various other activities, 2.6 hours on leisure and sports, 1.2 hours caring for others (family mostly), 1.1 hours eating and drinking, and 1.1 hours on household activities.  How does your typical day compare?  What about spending our time to give ourselves away?  Where does that fit in?

Giving ourselves away is not about spending gobs of time volunteering or doing everything you can possible.  Rather, think of it as taking a relatively small percentage of time every week and focusing on other people.  Everyone should think about doing this, but for the Christian it is vital.  Jesus (Mark 10:45), Paul (Galatians 5:13), and Peter (1 Peter 4:10) are all in agreement that Christians should be serving others.  It is our duty to serve others, but for what purpose?  To make us feel good?  To simply show the world we are good people?  No.  We are to serve so that people can see Christ in us. When we give ourselves away by serving others we show the love of Christ and the true Gospel that we came to proclaim.  We show how Christ has changed our lives by His blood and how others can have the same peace, hope, and joy that is found only in Christ.

So, where does that leave us?  We know we should give ourselves away, we know why, but practically where do we start?  Brace yourself, here comes the shameless ministry plug.  I know of several spiritually rewarding, gospel-driven, serving positions that I need people for right now.  

Food Pantry Ministry:  I need more volunteers at the food pantry.  There are positions making food boxes, hosting our clients, and meeting with clients one-on-one as a Care Giver.  All you need to do is just show up one Saturday and observe what we do to see if it’s for you.  No commitments, just come and observe any 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Saturday of the month.  Volunteers arrive at 8:30 a.m.  It is located at 5122 N. Fares Avenue, just off St. George Road.

AIS Ministry:  The partnership we have with the Academy of Innovative Studies on 1st Avenue has been such a great ministry over the past few years.  This year we are continuing to support the faculty and reach out to the students and their families.  We need help with planning events, creating gifts for the teachers, and mentoring students. Just this year, I have been going to the school once a week to work with a student one-on-one.  This is a very rewarding time for me and is a great benefit to this student.  You too can have your own student you meet with once a week to encourage them, work on life skills, and accomplish goals.

Mission Trips:  Another great way to give yourself away is to go on a mission trip.  We have designed great partnerships in both Detroit and Louisville and will be offering a few different trips next year.  We also have a partnership with Culture Waves Global that goes primarily to India and China.  These trips are a great way to give yourself away and share the gospel with the ends of the earth.  Look for more information coming in December.

Various Other Ministries:  Finally, there are so many other things that I don’t have the space to mention.  We have the State Hospital Ministry, Dayspring (after-prison) Ministry, Health Ministry, and Charis House Ministry.  These are all great opportunities to give yourself away.  Please email me at or call me at
812-476-3450 to get involved.


Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

October Spare Charge

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Wise words bring many benefits, and hard work brings rewards. Prov. 12:14

The Bible is very clear that work is good.  I think most of us would agree that work is good.  Even if we bemoan our job we like the pay check.  We know that we need to work to live.  We know that work provides for our families and betters our life.  There is another type of work though that doesn’t give us physical blessings in life rather spiritual ones.  This type of work in ministry comes in many shapes and sizes— from working with children, to worship ministry, to greeting, etc.  There is one type, however, that affects me more than others, it is the care and maintenance of our property.  While this may not seem like something that has a lot of spiritual reward at first blush, it really does.

I am, by training, a pastor not a contractor so I need other people to help give insight and wisdom with our projects and maintenance.  I am very thankful for the building projects team.  Their wisdom and work on the building is appreciated more than they will ever know.  This team consists of Ed Hodges, Chad Mehne, Mark Schmitz, Randy Flowers, and Vern Sharpe.  These men have helped so much, by not only giving their skills, but also their time and energy to making our property look great.  If you get a chance, please tell them thanks for all they do.  There are many other men and women that work tirelessly also, they come to work nights and paint days.  Please know that I appreciate everyone that puts in even one hour working on our building.

I see our building not as a place to be kept pristine, we do not worship our building, in fact we use our building…a lot.  Because we have such a nice facility we are able to use it for many ministries.  Not only do we have our weekday childcare using the building five days a week, we often have ministries meeting throughout the week and on
weekends.  Many people have 2:42 group fellowships, birthday parties, and baby showers in our building.  This is only possible through the work of our members to keep our building looking nice.

This type of work does not net any physical reward.  You won’t get a paycheck, you won’t get an award, you might get a donut or a DQ hamburger, but that’s about it.  The reward is not physical, you can’t see it, but it’s there.  There are spiritual blessings and rewards for those that give their time and energy to care for the church facility, as there are for those that serve in all the other areas of the church
also.  So again, I say thank you, you truly embody what a servant of Christ looks like.

“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”  Matthew 6:19-21


Posted by Bryan Gotcher with
