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Pastor's Points March 2018

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Dear Church Family,
Through this winter I have been reminded multiple times and in multiple ways how blessed I am to be the pastor of Oakhill!  Our church families’ willingness to serve others has been on full display through our UPWARD basketball and cheerleading ministry, and our food pantry. One or both important ministries have been functioning every weekend throughout the winter.  These ministries functioning at the same time is a large undertaking, but it is possible because of your willingness to serve others.  I just want to say thank you for serving the Lord!  We see the fruit of these ministries in the lives of those that we are reaching out to.  By the time you read this UPWARD will have come to an end and we will be busy following up with families who have shown interest in coming to Oakhill.  Please pray for that effort as we reach out to make a ministry relationship beyond the UPWARD season. 

As we look forward to Spring I want to remind you of a few important events in our church.  In 2018 we are encouraging our church family to prioritize God’s Word in their life like never before.  Many people committed themselves to read the whole Bible through in a year, or to reading the New Testament through in a year.  Many people have shared with me that they are so encouraged by making this commitment and are seeing the benefit it is to them.  That is amazing!

Along with this reading emphasis of the Bible, we are also offering an overview of every book of the Bible this year through our five “Growth Initiative” Saturdays throughout the year.  We are calling the emphasis in our growth initiative this year, Unfolded – Understanding God’s Word based off Psalm 119:130.  In five separate three-hour Saturdays throughout the year, we will take a few books of the Bible each time and consider the basics of them and how they apply to our lives.  Our first Growth Initiative is on March 24th from 8:30 am – 11:30 am where we will consider Genesis through II Samuel.  Please plan to sign up and attend and know that each time we meet there will be childcare provided.  This is a great opportunity to invest in your spiritual growth in 2018!!

Finally, in March we are looking so forward to Easter weekend!  Our theme this year is “VICTORY”!  On March 30th we will celebrate Good Friday with a special worship service starting at 6:30 pm.  This will be a moving, powerful time  together as we consider the truths of Psalm 22 throughout the night of worship.  You will not want to miss this time    together.  Then the next day on March 31st we will have our Easter Eggstravaganza out at the ball fields like we do each year.  This event will begin at 1:00pm.  Bring your kids and enjoy all the fun on this day!!  Then we will gather for worship on April 1st for our Easter Worship services at 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am.  Please dedicate your families time on this weekend to celebrate with your church family the greatness of our Savior!!

 I love you and I love being your pastor!


Posted by Alan Scott with