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Pastor's Points August 2017

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Dear Church Family,

I pray you are doing well and are enjoying this summer season!  This time of the year is very busy for us all so I want to take this opportunity to give you an update on the ministry of our church.  Many exciting things have already happened and there is more to come.

First let me say, Vacation Bible School was amazing this year!!  April and all our volunteers were amazing!  With our morning and evening VBS we had right at 300 kids enrolled this year, and 18 children made professions of faith!!  Praise God for all He did!  It was a week full of excitement, and blessing!!

Second, the Fireworks Celebration we had was our biggest and best community celebration to date!  We parked over 250 cars with 750-800 people in attendance!  Our church family was there along with those that came because of VBS, and we also had many from the community that came because of some Facebook advertising that we did.  I spoke with so many that do not have a church home but need one.  It was a great                       fellowship/outreach event!  Thanks to all our volunteers who made it possible!!

Third, our Life Groups now have 7 adult on-campus groups and 12 adult off-campus groups. I am very thankful for every one of these groups.  We now can reach out to more people and we are seeing people getting connected to the church who were never     connected before.  I pray God uses all these groups to help people “belong” to our church family! 

Finally, I want to mention some upcoming events that I am very excited about!

In September, we are going to have a special church-wide fellowship called, “Family Worship Fellowship!”  We will be out at the ball fields where we had our fireworks for this event. A stage will be set up where all the activities will happen.  The food truck Pizza Revolution will be there for you to purchase food if you would like or you can bring your own picnic style feast for your family.  After we are done eating, we will gather our lawn chairs together for a special time together as a church family to worship together.  This will be a great time together no matter your age or generation!!  It is going to be awesome!!

Then in November we are going to have a special marriage retreat weekend for couples.  Details are still being worked out but please save the dates of November 3-4.  You will be glad that you did!!

Please stay tuned in to what God is doing in your church family in the middle of this busy summer. Also, please do not forget to continue to financially support your church family.  Giving tends to dip during the summer and we have dipped a little more than normal.  Please make the effort to catch up in your giving if you have fallen behind so we can continue to make a difference through our local church and around the world!!

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Pastor Alan


Posted by Alan Scott with