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Kid's Happenings October 2016

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Hello Church Family,

The month of September went by much quicker than I could have imagined. Maybe the busyness of weekly ministry - Awana, Growth Initiative, Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and special events?  Or maybe it is the busyness of my family life - birthday parties, sports activities, picking kids up from school, day to day chores… What ever the reason, I sit back and wonder if the time I have spent has been IMPACTFUL to my family and even my church family, especially my children and the children in our church.

I got the pleasure of teaching “kids worship” time this month during 11am service.  My team (my family and a few other youth) was able to teach the kids about God’s creation and how we are his most precious creation, as well as how He sacrificed His son for us.  It was awesome to see the kids faces light up when THEY spoke of all the amazing things that God created for THEM and all the things He does for THEM.  He is so awesome that He IS or should be impossible to deny as The God of Everything and Lord over us.   You see, the kids were excited to talk about Him and all of his amazing work.  They were learning to praise him with song and applause just as their parents praise them when they do something amazing.  

The bible tells us in Psalm 127:3-4 “Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.”  Your children are like prized, life-preserving arrows in the hand of a warrior, uniquely formed to be launched out, making a powerful IMPACT on the world.  Parents, your children are your arrows…  Are you pouring into them, preparing them to be launched into the world?  Are you the warrior in the car, on the playground or sports
activities?  In the home, are you teaching them of how to share the truths of our Lord and how to not be ashamed to praise him in everything, good and bad?  I pray every person in contact with our children are making an IMPACT in their lives so they can be launched out making a powerful IMPACT on the world.  Consider how God wants to use you in the lives of our children.   Is it by teaching them on Sunday morning, in Upward, AWANA or your daily busyness?  Wherever it is that He is calling you to be a warrior with our children, I pray you step in faith and follow His command.  Thank you for the opportunity to love on your children.