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Spare Change May 2016

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4 Reasons I love the Food Pantry Ministry

The people that work in our food pantry routinely comment on how awesome the food pantry ministry is.  All the other ministries at Oakhill are just as awesome, but the food pantry is unique in its awesomeness.  Unfortunately, right now we are short staffed due to relocation, job changes, schedule changes, etc.  We need about four more people each week to get back to being fully staffed.  Because we are short staffed we are not able to offer the personal care room every week.  Soon we will be losing our person that inventories and orders food.  As you can see—we need help!  The commitment is only once a month on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Saturday.  I know everyone is busy, but if you can give just one Saturday morning a month from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., then you can be used in a great way.  Let me know if you can help by calling me at the church office or emailing me.  Now, here are 4 reasons I love the food pantry ministry.

  1. It’s a great place to share your faith.

The food pantry is unique because there is an intentionality with the gospel.  We are there to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the community.  We emphasize the spiritual needs of our clients greatly.  Not only do we have a message each week, we also sit down one on one with our clients.  We take the time to talk to them about life and pray with them.  Often these talks will lead to gospel conservations.  Our goal is to share the gospel which provides hope for the unbeliever and encouragement for the

  1. Everyone’s gifts can be used.

The food pantry uses a wide range of gifts.  We need people (caregivers) that can talk to clients, but we also need people gifted in hospitality, administration, serving, etc.  We need cart pushers and food box preparers.  We need people to make coffee and pass out personal care items.  Whatever your gift might     be, we can find a place for you to serve.

  1. There is a great opportunity to meet new people and enjoy great fellowship with them.

Attending a larger church like ours makes it hard to get to know people, however at the food pantry we have people of all ages that come together to serve.  You will meet everyone from seniors to college students and our fellowship is sweet.  Every week the team enjoys just getting to hang out together.  Are your looking to connect with other church members?  Other than a 2:42 Group, there is no better place than the food pantry.

  1. It reminds me that it is not about me.

Finally, the food pantry reminds me that the Christian walk is not about me.  It’s about serving others and ultimately serving our Lord and Savior Jesus.  That is why we are called to serve in the first place.  I love the message of Mark 10:45.  Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  This is a great reminder that we are never more like Jesus than when we are serving.  Remember, it’s not about you and it’s not about me; it’s all about Him.

 We really do need help at the food pantry.  Right now, our number of clients have been down, probably due to tax returns and low bills.
 However, that will end soon as the summer heats up.  Please pray and consider serving in this wonderful ministry.  The best way to tell if you want to serve is to just show up and see what it is all about.  Come check it out the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Saturday of the month.  The food pantry is located at 5122 N. Fares Ave. (off of St. George Rd.)


Posted by Bryan Gotcher with