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Pastor's Points

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Dear Church Family,

I pray you are doing well and are enjoying this wonderful cooler weather!  I am so thankful for fall and all that it brings to us as we are getting ready to take exciting steps forward into the future of our church family!  We truly are entering into a season of thankfulness.  We have so much to thank God for!

First, I want to thank God for HIS TIMING.  I have said for a long time now that, as God moves, we move.  And what I am trying to communicate in that little saying is that we do not want to get ahead of God.  We want to make sure that we are getting our
direction from Him.  Sometimes this is hard especially when it seems as if we need to be moving forward but things are not working out.  For some time, we thought the property that we needed was the Associational fields that are more north of us on
Oakhill.  But as we had to wait for that property to become available, God shut the door on that possibility and then swung a door wide open for us on a better piece of property, closer to us, with buildings already on the property.  God’s timing is so good, and we have been blessed for it!  Our North Campus has already helped us be able to offer our summer camp through our day care (65 kids). We are offering Vacation Bible School on that campus on Sunday evenings (85 kids per night), and we have our student ministry meeting down there on Wednesday evenings which allows us to offer AWANA’s on our South Campus with the room to socially distance our children.  We could not have done any of this without the provision of our new North Campus.  Thank you, Jesus, and thank you for perfect timing!!

Second, let’s thank God for HIS LEADING.  We have been crying out to God for His leadership for some time now through this process and He has been so gracious to give it to us.  We are now seeking His leading once again as we come to Him in a concerted time of prayer.  Please participate on October 4th in our special prayer Sunday as we seek the Lord’s leading.  We will be preaching on the theme of prayer on this Sunday, our Life Groups will be meeting and praying together, and then on that Sunday afternoon up until 4pm we will be having a prayer walk on our North Campus.  After lunch on that day come to North Campus, get a prayer guide, and pray over this piece of property that we are using for the glory of God.

And finally, I want to thank God for HIS PLAN. Our plan is the same plan that we presented to our church from the beginning.  We will be using both of our properties in concert with one another to provide all the ministry, and parking space that we need as a growing church family.  As our plan is developing God is working through our architects and engineers to sharpen the plan for the building and renovation of both North and South Campuses. We are doing everything we can to come up with the most useful and cost-effective design of our campuses.  You will soon see the latest renderings of what North and South Campus will look like.  I am so thankful for the architects that God led us to work with.  They are believers and they are helping us every step of the way to come up with the best plan for our church!

So thankful for all of this!  It all comes from the hand of God!  He is so good to us!!  Please be praying and ask God to show you how it is that your family could give to support all that His plan calls for.  Let’s keep our eye on Him, and as God moves, let’s move with Him!

I love you and I love being your pastor!!

Posted by Alan Scott with