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Kid's Happenings December 2016

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Hello Church Family,

I want to start off this article by thanking everyone that has helped our children’s ministry in the year of 2016.  If you are someone that helped in nursery, kids worship, 2:42 class, AWANA, Upward, kids choir, hugged a child, taught them about Jesus’ love for them, or helped pay for a child to go to camp, etc. Please know that you helped to make a difference in the life of a child and in the life of our children’s
ministry.  Thank you for being the hands and feet of God.

The month of December will be very busy for our church and for every individual within our church family.  With Christmas being on a Sunday morning it can be very tempting for parents to stay home with their kids.  You will be tired from your late night of preparation and early morning of waking to enjoy watching your little ones open presents.  You’ll look around and find mounds of wrapping paper all over the house and kids not wanting to get ready for church because their new gifts are something they won’t want to part from.  This Christmas is the perfect opportunity for parents to show their children what the true meaning of Christmas really is.  Being with loved ones in church on Christmas morning, worshiping our Lord, and remembering his birth.  There isn’t anywhere else you should want to be on that day.  As parents we need to lead by example.  Don’t be tempted by all the worldly Christmas happenings to miss out on the best part of that very special day.

I would also like to encourage you to take part in our Christmas Eve service.  I know it may be late for the little ones and a bit of an inconvenience, but go ahead and give baths, dress them in their Christmas pj’s and attend one of our services.  I can assure you, you will not regret it.  It is the perfect way to prepare your child’s heart for Christmas Day. 

My family and I are so thankful to be able to share in our faith at Oakhill.  I love being able to love on all the children and serve alongside each of you as we help families to raise up the next generation of our church.  I pray you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

God Bless,
April Sharp