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Spare Change - April 2019

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                                                                        Ministry Update

The past three months have been pretty crazy.  We wrapped up the Upward basketball and cheerleading program the first part of March.  I would have to say that this was one of the most successful years in terms of outreach and connecting with families.  We know for sure that one child was saved.  We have had several families visit our church.  There have been a few of the middle school students begin to engage with our student ministry.  In one sense I am happy the season is over, if for no other reason to get some rest, but I will miss it and the opportunity for ministry.  Thank you to all the volunteers and coaches that put in countless hours to organize this league.  We could not have done it without you!

From there we move on to planning for Easter and even VBS!  Easter will be on us before we know it.  Our Easter weekend is a great way to connect people to our church.  They will be able to hear the gospel proclaimed and learn about the power of the  resurrection.  One of the highlights of the weekend is our Community Easter Egg Hunt.  We fill over 6,000 eggs and invite the entire community to come out.  This event is what we call a bridge event.  We simply try to connect with our community in a positive way.  It is something that you can invite friends and family to partake in that is casual and fun.  We hope to have a great turn out for the egg hunt.

Also, a lot of my time right now is focused on VBS.  Yes, VBS!  We actually start prepping for VBS in February.  We really ramp up in March and April.  Mostly getting volunteers lined out, supplies ordered, and having our leader training.  This year the theme is “In the Wild”.  We are going to look at  snapshots of the different ecosystems around the globe while looking at snapshots of the life of Jesus.  I can’t wait to see what God will do through our VBS this year.  As I wrote last month, VBS is the largest evangelistic push that most churches do all year.  We are going to keep the focus on connecting with families and proclaiming the gospel.

I have enjoyed the last three months as the pastor of children and missions.  It has been an adjustment, but it has been a delight to get to know the kids and their families even more.  We have a great group of kids and kids’ ministry volunteers.  Please pray for them, they don’t just provide childcare, they are pouring into your children the Word of God each week.

We also have had another big change the past few weeks.  Our Hispanic church planter, Leonid Marsan, came onsite at the end of February.  He and his family are currently living in our Charis House while they get set-up and adjust to life in Evansville.  Leonid is not sitting idle, he is getting out into the community and God is already beginning to work.  Leonid has been connected to several Hispanic individuals by God’s providence.  Please pray for him and his family as they begin this new work.  Also pray for them as they learn the culture and English language.  Our church family has been so welcoming to them already, I know you will make Oakhill feel like home.

God has also been doing some things in my life; reminding me that people, not programs are most important when it comes to ministry.  We must keep our eyes on Jesus, proclaim the gospel, reach out to our community, and make disciples.  If we keep those ideals first, then the programs will fall into their proper place.  Thank you for trusting me to be the pastor of children and missions, it is quickly becoming one of the greatest joys of my life.

Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

Women on Mission - April 2019

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                                                                      In Need of Hope
                                                        Kevin Ezell, NAMB President
Every step our missionaries take across North America, they are faced with increasing secularism.  Many cities have become so irreligious they could reasonably be deemed pre-Christian.  Even in the region once deemed the “Bible Belt,” Christianity is being pushed to the margins.

North America is also rapidly becoming more diverse culturally and ethnically.  Every day, the nations come here.  Many are from people groups whose home countries are extremely difficult to reach.  We cannot let these gospel opportunities pass us by, and missionaries desperately need the prayers of God’s people to succeed.

Pray for missionaries to make connections with people who can help build relationships in new neighborhoods.  For encouragement in the middle of social pressure and loneliness.  For God to provide more Christian leaders who will help share the missionaries’ loads.

Have you made a contribution to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering?  Our generosity and prayer is one way we can  support more than 5,000 missionaries.  Every dollar goes directly to the mission field.  Our goal is $9,000.

Pray for the pastors in Ecuador who have participated in training seminars led by Nick Scott and Bobby Pell, that these  sessions would have a lasting and strong effect on the Ecuadorian churches.

Continue to pray for Alexa Minor who is working in Australia with students at the University of Queensland.  Pray for Lynna Rollow who is in a mission program called World Race in which young adults (21-35) serve in 11 countries in 11 months.  Beginning April 4th she will be moving from Peru to India.  Continue to pray for Leonid Marsan, his wife Kenia and their 3 daughters as they begin ministry locally with Hispanics.

Women on Mission will meet at the church Monday, April 15th at 6:00 pm.  (Note that this is a change in date) 
All our ladies are invited to join us for prayer, study and fellowship.


Posted by Women On Mission with

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