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July 2016 Students

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This year we partnered with Refuge Louisville for the second year in a row. We took a much larger group this year, which was exciting for all of us! The students that were attending the trip for the first time had the opportunity to experience a lot of the same things our students did last year, while our second year students had the opportunity to build intentional relationships with one particular apartment complex.

One interesting experience that all the students got to share is the visitation of different religious facilities. The thing that always stands out to the students is the utter emptiness of these other religions and their “gods.” Whether it’s a Muslim mosque or a Hindu temple, they are all empty and powerless gods. It helps our students see how great, powerful, and close our God is.

Each day our second-year students spent time at one of the apartment complexes building relationships with the kids there. Every day Noah Vinson gave a short Bible lesson about the Gospel. The lessons were so impactful that, at the end of the week, several kids asked how they can be saved and wanted Bibles of their own or to give to their parents. You can see one of the kids proudly holding one of the Bibles in the picture to the left (far right in red shirt).  

All the students spent time with these kids sharing Bible verses or talking about how our God created everything by drawing with chalk. It is amazing how many relationships were built in such a short period.  We hope to continue to build these relationships in years to come!!

We also went to Crossings at the end of June (pictured at left). In my opinion, this was one of the best and most impactful themes they’ve covered. Rob Turner was our camp pastor, and he talked about identity crisis, identity challenge, and identity change. He used the woman at the well as a primary reference point and challenged our students in where they are finding their identity.

One of our students described Rob as being brutally encouraging, which is so accurate. He has a way of really getting to the heart of the issue and pressing in and encouraging change. Our students learned a great deal, shared a great deal, and got to know each other on a deeper level. I love the community that was built through this experience.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped us go on mission and to everyone that helped us get to camp!!! Your support and encouragement mean so much and has changed many lives!!

Much Love -  Mark

Worship July 2016

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Church Family,

I hope you have all had a great start to you’re summer!  It has been a great season of ministry here at Oakhill, and I have thoroughly enjoyed worshiping with you all.  We have seen God do great things, and we are looking forward to seeing what God does as we push forward towards the Fall!

I wanted to share one great memory from the last few months with you, as I see God moving throughout our Church.  A few weeks ago, our worship team here at Oakhill was leading the worship song, “Cornerstone”.   As we approached the last verse of the song, the worship team was able to back away from the microphones, and all across our congregation, a swell of voices lifted these words,

                 “When He shall come with trumpet sound,

                  O May I then, in Him, be found,

                  Dressed in His righteousness alone,

                  Faultless to stand before the throne.”

I remember standing onstage in that moment, and praying to God, “Thank you God that our Church loves to sing.”  As your Worship Pastor, it’s such a joy to join in with your voices Sunday after Sunday to proclaim God’s truth, and sing his praises.  Psalm 100:1-2 says, “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness, come before Him with joyful songs!”  I want to encourage all of us, keep singing, keep worshipping, and let’s use our lives to point to the Glory of God.  Come and join us on Sunday, as we join our voices, to glorify God together.

In Christ,



Posted by Jared Mitchell with

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