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Kids Happenings November 2018

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Hello church family,
I’m feeling led to share in this article about the many blessings I see within children’s ministry and what goes on in the upper level of our church on a Sunday morning.  If you haven’t noticed, we have a lot of children within our church... We average 100 children ages newborn through 5th grade. This requires at least 35 volunteers each Sunday morning. These amazing volunteers are investing and pour out their love to all of the children.  While “Big” church is taking place our children are also having fellowship with other kids their age, engaging in worship, giving offering and learning God’s word at the same time and right up the stairs.  It’s truly amazing that God provides for our needs and continues to send more children into our ministry.

Two areas within our children’s ministry that I would like to highlight in this article, because I believe it is the silent blessing given by our children, the Missions Giving and Service Project Kids.  Teaching children the importance of giving to others, whether time, money or energy, is one of the most valuable character traits in a child of God.  Every Sunday our children, during worship time, have an opportunity to give offering to a specific need.  They are eager to hear about the ways they, as small children, are able to make a difference in others lives by simply giving. They are also eager to hear how close they are to meeting their goals. Let me add that our children don’t receive any rewards for their giving and or meeting their goals. They understand that the reward is in knowing they are a blessing to others.

Our Service Project Kids give back to our church and community by doing more hands on projects.  These children meet Sunday at 9:30 and are children who have parents that are also serving within our church on that Sunday morning.  (These same children attend their age appropriate life group at the 11 am service.) You may have noticed some of their crafts around the church and didn’t even realize it.  They have helped in a number of different ways, such as planting the potted flowers out front, making bird houses for shut-ins, posters and cards for 1st responders, and even get well cards for loved ones to name a few.

When I see our children serving and giving to others with a joyful heart it shows me that the truths they are learning within our church and in their homes is being played out with a servants heart and more so the Christlikeness that we all should strive to have.  Hebrews 13:16 reads And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”  It doesn't matter if you have a lot to give or a little, it's the heart that matters!   If you are a parent please remember to ask your child each Sunday how they are making a difference with their giving and service to others. And for everyone else, please encourage our children by letting them know that what they are doing is making a difference in the lives of others.  You never know how a small act of kindness can draw someone closer to God. Thank you for allowing me to love on your little ones.

Kids Happenings October 2018

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Hello church family,
My article is a culmination of words taken from a book that I have been reading called Nothing Less, written by Jana Magruder. I hope you enjoy these words as much as I have.

Have you ever heard the expression, “Begin with the end in mind”?  In some ways, we maybe parenting with today and tomorrow in plain sight, striving to raise great kids.  The problem is that the goal is too small and the vision too narrow.  If we are really hard-pressed, we must admit that we don’t want to raise great kids. We want to raise great adults who love and cherish God’s Word.  What if we all parented our children with the end in mind?  What if we made decisions based on what was best for their long-term spiritual development and not their immediate compliance or happiness?  What if we focused less on 10 minutes from now and 10 days from now and really zeroed in on the type of adults we wanted to call our grown children 10 years from now?  That’s parenting with the end, not the moment, in mind.

Parents love getting their children involved with extracurricular activities.  We immerse our kids in lessons and practices, encouraging them to set goals and achieve their best, on  a playing field or in a swimming pool in a concert hall or in the classroom.  Our kids’ abilities and their talents are important, right?  But are we plugging the same degree of importance in our kids’ spiritual lives? As our children develop, they will be searching for deeper and deeper meanings.  If we cannot remind ourselves of the truth, how then can we hope to steer our children in the right direction?

The ultimate ability to create new growth lies with our omnipotent Gardener, but we bear the responsibility of planting and watering the seeds in the lives of our children.  “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 11:19)  We must remind ourselves over and over again that the work we do to fulfill our call as godly parents won’t be nearly enough.  Consider all the types of cake you're tried. Ratios and flavors can vary greatly, but basic ingredients are about the same: flour, sugar, eggs, etc. Just as those basic ingredients are building blocks to make any type of cake, these 10 spiritual building blocks provide a solid foundation for intentional parenting and creating a purpose-filled partnership between church and home.

1) Child regularly reads their Bible.  2) Child regularly spends time in prayer.  3) Child regularly serves in church.  4) Child listens primarily to Christian music.  5) Child participates in church mission trips or projects.  6) Child has an interest level in church.  7) Child’s best friend has an influence to follow Christ and adults at church intentionally invest in them.  8) Parents ask forgiveness when they mess up and point out biblical principles in everyday life.  9) Siblings have an influence to follow Christ.  10) Family attends church regularly.

There is no perfect recipe. There are no solid guarantees. Helping our kids mature into young adults who know and follow Jesus is the aim.  Applying these 10 spiritual influencers in your family can help.  And ultimately, we’ll learn that trusting God for the end result we desire is really the only way to go. 
Thank you for allowing me to love on your little ones!
God Bless,


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