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Women On Mission July 2017

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 Accomplishing More Together. 

English Baptist William Carey answered the call to carry the gospel to India in the late 1700s.  He recognized that to be effective in his efforts, he needed partnership and cooperation.  He challenged churches to “hold the ropes” by committing to pray for and give to missions efforts.

In 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention was formed and continued in the spirit of fulfilling the Great Commission.  The initial approach was a societal method of giving.  Missionaries had to raise their own financial support and devote significant time to cultivating churches and individuals for that support.  As missions efforts grew rapidly, so did the competition for funding.  God led Southern Baptist in 1925 to launch a unified channel of giving called the Cooperative Program.  It is a lifeline of support that begins with individual believers in each Southern Baptist congregation.  As believers respond in obedience to give to the Lord in the local church, churches, in turn, allocate a percentage of undesignated gifts through the Cooperative Program for state, national, and international missions.

The simple principle that more can be accomplished together than alone is the genius of the Cooperative Program.  For almost 90 years, Southern Baptist have supported thousands of missionaries, planted multitudes of churches, and witnesses countless lives profess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

Can one local church support more than 6,000 missionaries as well as six seminaries and    engage more than 3,000 unreached people groups around the world?  By giving through the Cooperative Program, yes, it can.

Please continue to feed your World Hunger bank.  These will be returned Sunday, August 20th.  Women on Mission will meet at the church on Monday, July 10 at 6:00pm.  All our    ladies are invited to join us.


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Women On Mission June 2017

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Southern Baptists have always been concerned about the plight of world hunger.

In the mid-1970s,a worldwide food shortage caused us to develop an organized response to the problem.  We have served the hungry throughout history, but the first World Hunger Day in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) was in 1978. 

SBC giving records for world hunger date back to at least 1977.  In 1997, a resolution passed by the SBC  referred to the “world hunger fund”, an informal way of talking about money given to helpconduct hunger ministries.

Only the offering for Global Hunger Relief uses 100% of all contributions to provide relief for hunger related causes, including not just food, but also clean water and education.  This is possible because personnel; are already in place and administrative and promotional costs come from other budgets.  The North American Mission Board receives 20 cents of every  dollar to    support hunger projects in the United States.  Eighty cents of every dollar go to the  International  Mission Board to be used for hunger relief, including water well drilling, agricultural education, water purification, etc.

When Southern Baptists give food or teach better ways to grow it, they are there for the long haul, seeking to build relationships with people and eventually lead them to a relationship with Christ. 
 -written by Ann Knowles

In the world today……..

An estimated 1.02 billion people, or about one-sixth of the world’s population, are undernourished.  Every five  seconds, a child dies from malnourishment.  In the United States alone, 49 million people– 17 million of whom are children– do not have enough to eat.  These are sobering facts for those of us who never miss a meal.  What can we do to help change these    numbers?    
 -statistics cited at GlobalHungerRelief.com

Hunger Banks will be provided for each family Sunday, June 4th.  These will be returned to the church on Sunday, August 20th.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, June 12th, 6:00 p.m., at the home of Kathleen Qualkenbush.  All our  ladies are invited to be with us.


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