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Women on Mission - June 2019

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Make Holes in Their Darkness
By: Dianne Swaim

A story is told of British author Robert Louis Stevenson when he was five years old.  According to the story, his nanny was putting him to bed, but he slipped over to the window when he knew it was time for the lamplighter.  As he watched the lamplighter light each street light individually, he excitedly called, “Come quick, Nanny! That man is making holes in the  darkness.”

That story has impacted me for years as I have traveled to several third world countries and viewed hunger and poverty for myself.  In Zimbabwe, I held a 10 trillion dollar bill in my hands, worth only 50 cents in the United States.  Meanwhile, there was no food on the grocery store shelves, hospitals and schools were shut down, and there was a cholera outbreak.

The darkness of hunger hovers over almost 1 billion people in the world.  As they always have, Southern Baptist keep a global eye on hurting people and develop programs, raise funds, and send people to meet their physical and spiritual needs.

Organized to Serve

Global Hunger Relief seeks to put structure to the vast resources possible when God’s people give.  Seven Southern Baptist entities collaborate to observe Global Hunger Sunday.  These partners include WMU, the International Mission Board, and the North American Mission Board.

Every dollar goes directly toward meeting hunger needs.  The Cooperative Program covers all administrative costs.  Eighty percent of funds are directed toward International causes and 20 percent focus on North America.  In 2017, 14 million meals were provided in North America, and nearly $4.5 million helped feed more than 600,000 people across the world.

These numbers certainly indicate the work has been successful.  However, until every person across the world has enough food, we dare not claim success.  Our church’s involvement will make a hole in someone's darkness of hunger.  Hunger banks will be provided June 2nd at the Welcome Desk.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, June 10th at 6:00 pm at the church.  All our ladies are invited to join us.           

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Women on Mission - May 2019

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Prayer Focuses

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples:
  Many people in Mozambique make a decision to follow Christ, but for them, it just means coming to church every Sunday.  It is a religion and not Christianity.  Pray Ephesians 4:12, asking that    evangelical leadership will understand that their responsibility is to disciple people for the work of ministry.

Prayer Focus - North Carolina:  Patrick Ballard is a chaplain serving nursing homes in North Carolina through Mountaineer Ministries.  “I am a nursing home pastor serving 50 care centers in six counties of western North Carolina.  Please pray for our expansion to more memory care units and for more souls to be saved.  We need additional ministry partners as well.  Thank you for praying for me and my family.”

Prayer Focus - Montana:  Ray Willis is a church planting catalyst serving in Billings, Montana. “We are planning our summer outreach events for the week of June 22-28, 2019.  Please pray that God would provide teams to serve in a  mobile home community and to do light maintenance work at a local grade school.  We also need coaches for basketball, soccer, baseball, softball, and football camps and two cooks to cook lunch and dinner for 50 people for the week.  Please pray lives will be changed and new souls added to the kingdom through these outreaches.”

Prayer Focus - Southeast Asian Peoples: “So many places are ready to hear!" exclaims a believer who feels overwhelmed by the plentiful harvest.  New Khmer believers in Cambodia are hungry to learn the Word of God, but there are not enough Christian leaders to reach all the new church plants as frequently as they would like.  Pray that Khmer leaders will be trained well to disciple others who desire to disciple still others.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African People:  Missionaries at the Baptist Theological Seminary of Zimbabwe are thanking God for a successful first session of the Seminary Wives Institute.  Fourteen women arrived eager to learn.  Pray they will be good stewards of what they learn as they partner in ministry with their husbands.  In Zimbabwe’s increasingly unstable economy, pray for God’s provision for fees throughout their studies.

Prayer Focus - American Peoples:  Migrant workers are flooding in by the busload from all over Mexico.  Pray for the Migrant Farm Workers Team that they will be able to make contact with those whom the Lord has prepared to hear His message.  Pray that the area churches will “catch the vision” to reach the nations on their doorstep.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, May 13th at 6:00 pm at the church.  All our ladies are invited to be with us for study, prayer, and fellowship.           

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