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Women on Mission - June 2021

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Make Holes in Their Darkness
By: Dianne Swaim

A story is told of British author Robert Louis Stevenson when he was five years old.  According to the story, his nanny was putting him to bed, but he slipped over to the window when he knew it was time for the lamplighter.  As he watched the lamplighter light each street light individually, he excitedly called, “Come quick, Nanny! That man is making holes in the  darkness.”

That story has impacted me for years as I have traveled to several third world countries and viewed hunger and poverty for myself.  In Zimbabwe, I held a 10 trillion dollar bill in my hands, worth only 50 cents in the United States.  Meanwhile, there was no food on the grocery store shelves, hospitals and schools were shut down, and there was a cholera outbreak.

The darkness of hunger hovers over almost 1 billion people in the world.  As they always have, Southern Baptist keep a global eye on hurting people and develop programs, raise funds, and send people to meet their physical and spiritual needs.

Organized to Serve

Global Hunger Relief seeks to put structure to the vast resources possible when God’s people give.  Seven Southern Baptist entities collaborate to observe Global Hunger Sunday.  These partners include WMU, the International Mission Board, and the North American Mission Board.

Every dollar goes directly toward meeting hunger needs.  The Cooperative Program covers all administrative costs.  Eighty percent of funds are directed toward International causes and 20 percent focus on North America.  In 2020, 14 million meals were provided in North America, and nearly $3.5 million helped feed more than 600,000 people across the world.

These numbers certainly indicate the work has been successful.  However, until every person across the world has enough food, we dare not claim success.  Our church’s involvement will make a hole in someone's darkness of hunger.

Hunger banks will be distributed on Sunday, June 6th and will be returned on Sunday, August 1st.

Women on Mission will meet at 1:00 pm on Thursday, June 3rd in the Grace Ladies Classroom (room opposite the Fellowship Hall.) All of our ladies are invited to join us.

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Women on Mission - May 2021

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Mission Prayer Requests

Prayer Focus - Hawaii:
Jay Haynes planted Waiehu Community Church in Maui, Hawaii. “Pray for our small church, Waiehu Community Church, during the coronavirus pandemic. The lockdown has made it very apparent how beneficial having our own property would be, as our meeting space was shut down by the department of education, leaving us with no place to meet or conduct church functions. We have saved very aggressively, but property is so expensive in Hawaii that we are still unable to invest in a property. Pray that the Lord would provide us a place to buy soon. Please pray for my co-pastor and me. We are both bivocational. I work full time as an operations manager, and my co-pastor works part time in sales. Pray that the Lord would sustain us and give us perseverance in ministry. Pray that our church would be able to fully support my co-pastor soon and that within a few years, I would even be able to come on to payroll with the church.”

Prayer Focus - European Peoples: There are about 150,000 Hungarians in France. Many have assimilated into French culture, including turning toward atheism or other religious beliefs. There are no known evangelical churches among them, and the need is great. Pray for God to raise up local French Believers, Hungarian believers, and believers from elsewhere to share His message.

Prayer Focus - South Asian Peoples: During the pandemic and Cyclone Amphan, believers worked with many Send Relief projects, distributing food and household items to people in Kolkata, India. Pray for open doors and hearts as those areas are revisited. Ask that the distributions “till the soil” for the Spirit to produce growth. Pray for wisdom in continued work as the lockdown lifts but fears of the virus remain.

Prayer Focus - Alaska: Nathaniel Buck planted Agape Fellowship in Palmer, Alaska. “By God’s grace, we started Agape Fellowship five years ago. When the coronavirus pandemic hit, all ministry effectively came to a standstill. Summer, which normally is filled with outreach and evangelism activities, was eerily quiet, as we were unable to do the things we normally would. As...we looked ahead to fall, it felt like a full restart in a way. Please pray that we at Agape Fellowship would have wisdom to discern God’s vision for us and that we would be unified in accomplishing His Great Commission. Pray God will provide a new meeting place, as COVID -19 made our last renting place - a senior center - unavailable. Pray that God will raise up leaders within our church who will step up as needed. Pray that in the midst of the coronavirus, God would give us creative ways to share the gospel with our community.”

Prayer Focus - Louisiana: Debi Sharkey is a chaplain for the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women in Gonzales, Louisiana. “Pray that the ladies who are incarcerated at the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women will be able to start classes, worship services, and prayer times soon.”

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: The Fulbe people stretch across western Africa, including Togo. They are a nomadic people. Young boys are trained to herd cattle and long-eared goats with only a slender stick. Their primary religion is folk Islam. In another west African country, the Fulbe people have been radically turning to Christ and suffering great persecution. Pray this mighty movement of the Holy Spirit would sweep Togo.

Prayer Focus - Southeast Asian Peoples: Forty-five people groups in East Indonesia are still classified as “unreached” with the gospel, and no one is actively trying to engage them with the good news. Many live in hard-to-reach places. The Bible is available in Indonesian, but many older people speak only the local dialect. Pray for the salvation of the unreached peoples of East Indonesia.

Women on Mission will meet at 1:00 pm on Thursday, May 6th in the Grace Classroom (room opposite the Fellowship Hall.) All of our ladies are invited to join us.

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