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Women On Mission - July 2022

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  Problem: Global Hunger Solution: Us

We’ve seen them – photos and video clips that allow us to glimpse images representing the world’s hungry. Gaunt faces,     hopeless eyes, distended abdomens, desperate families, and dire conditions wrench our hears. We feel the urge to collect and give food and funds for the hungry. How can we become a part of the solution to the problem of global hunger?

WMU encourages men, women, and children to join together to help the hungry by giving sacrificially to the Global Hunger   Relief Fund.  WMU works cooperatively with partners to provide facts and helpful resources, encourage volunteers, gather donations, distribute funds and necessities, and tell stories of helping the hungry. Learn more about Global Hunger Relief by visiting GlobalHungerRelief.com.

What can we do to address the families, children, and babies suffering from hunger, good insecurity malnutrition, and starvation? First John 3:17-18 states, “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

Global Hunger Facts
In the United States, one in six people faces hunger issues. Food banks serve one in seven people.
- Close to 48.1 million people in the US live in food-insecure households.
- On a global scale, around 795 million people are undernourished.
- Throughout the developing world, 66 million primary school-age children go to school hungry.
- More than 3 million children under five die each year because of poor nutrition.
- One hundred percent of gifts to the Global Hunger Relief Fund helps alleviate hunger needs.
- Administrative and promotional costs are never supported by gifts to Global Hunger Relief. Partnerships with multiple organizations result in those costs being covered by other funds.
- Last year Baptists gave $3.5 million to Global Hunger Relief. Hunger banks are available at the Welcome Desk in the Church lobby. Please take one for your family. Return Hunger banks Sunday, July 17th.

Women on Mission will meet at 1:00 pm on Thursday, July 7th in the Grace Ladies Classroom (room opposite the Fellowship Hall.) All of our ladies are invited to join us.

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Women On Mission - June 2022

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Make Holes in Their Darkness
By: Dianne Swaim

A story is told of British author Robert Louis Stevenson when he was five years old.  According to the story, his nanny was putting him to bed, but he slipped over to the window when he knew it was time for the lamplighter.  As he watched the lamplighter light each street light individually, he excitedly called, “Come quick, Nanny! That man is making holes in the darkness.”

That story has impacted me for years as I have traveled to several third world countries and viewed hunger and poverty for myself.  In Zimbabwe, I held a 10 trillion dollar bill in my hands, worth only 50 cents in the United States. Meanwhile, there was no food on the grocery store shelves, hospitals and schools were shut down, and there was a cholera outbreak. 

The darkness of hunger hovers over almost 1 billion people in the world.  As they always have, Southern Baptist keep a global eye on hurting people and develop programs, raise funds, and send people to meet their physical and spiritual needs.

Organized to Serve
Global Hunger Relief seeks to put structure to the vast resources possible when God’s people give.  Seven Southern Baptist entities collaborate to observe Global Hunger Sunday.  These partners include WMU, the International Mission Board, and the North American Mission Board.

Every dollar goes directly toward meeting hunger needs.  The Cooperative Program covers all administrative costs.  Eighty percent of funds are directed toward International causes and 20 percent focus on North America.  In 2020, 14 million meals were provided in North America, and nearly $3.5 million helped feed more than 600,000 people across the world.

These numbers certainly indicate the work has been successful.  However, until every person across the world has enough food, we dare not claim success.  Our church’s involvement will make a hole in someone's darkness of hunger. Hunger banks will be distributed on Sunday, June 5th and will be returned on Sunday, July 17th.

Women on Mission will meet at 1:00 pm on Thursday, June 2nd in the Grace Ladies Classroom (room opposite the Fellowship Hall.) All of our ladies are invited to join us.

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