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November 2016 Pastor's Points

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Our church has been on my mind lately.  I am so thankful for our church family!  I personally do not know how people get through life without the fellowship and accountability of a local church.  I love our church, which is to say I love our people!  There is not a gathering of believers that I would rather be a part of.  We have the greatest opportunity to grow and be all that God wants us to be as we are active in the life of our local body.  At Oakhill, we have an expectation that our members are going to commit four things.  Worship, Grow, Serve, Give.  We ask our members to commit to these as our basic understanding of how we will live together in community at Oakhill.

This is a call for those who are our members to make a conscious commitment to be engaged in this local church.  I recently read an article by David Mathis and he shared these words about membership in the local church.

“One of the most counter-cultural things you can do is become an engaged member of a faithful local church.  In our flighty and noncommittal age,
neither non-Christians nor Christians are naturally inclined to find a place to put down roots and make longstanding, objective commitments for the good of others.  We want to keep our options open and, above all, preserve our own freedom of choice, rather than make a covenant for the long haul and embrace a framework for real-life in all its ups and downs.  But what if you went against the grain and became part of the solution to the modern problem of being so noncommittal? What if you joined the rebellion, and pledged your loyalty and engagement to a Bible-believing, gospel-cherishing local church?”

If you are a member of Oakhill, ask yourself… Am I truly an engaged member of Oakhill?  Do I consistently prioritize worshipping with my church family?  Am I actively involved in a bible study group or the growth initiative?  Do I actively serve not just when it is convenient, but am I willing to serve others even if it is an inconvenience for me?  Do I sacrificially give of my time, talent, and treasure?  Or do I give without truly

The local church matters so much to God that He gave his son Jesus for it.  I pray Oakhill matters to you!!  We are all pulled in so many different directions in life, but I am begging you to make sure that you prioritize your involvement in this local church family.  Not just to do something religious, but to make an eternal investment in yourself, your family, and others.

I love you and I love being your pastor!


Posted by Alan Scott with

Pastor's Points October 2016

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Dear Church Family,

I want to share with you most of an article written by Cara Joiner that was published in Relevant Magazine in April 2016.  These words are very instructive for us as we serve together in our church family.

The Most Damaging Attitude in Our Churches; Why subtle cynicism doesn't look like Jesus.

It was an attitude I learned in Church, and I used to believe it was a strength...

I thought I was simply a critical thinker, full of constructive insights. Subtly, without even realizing it, we had become cynics. And the toxic effect could be felt in our marriage, our relationships and our ability to communicate Christ’s love for the world.

But cynicism doesn’t always present itself in the sweeping, broad negativity we see on TV. In the day-to-day, it looks more like quick, unwarranted, “constructive” criticism. I’m not talking about the critical thinking required for success as an adult. I’m referring to the way we constantly evaluate and critique people and what they do:

“Worship was great this morning! I can’t believe all those people were just standing there and not raising their hands. Some people just don’t take worship as seriously as I do."

 “The sermon was good. If he had just said this, it could have been better.”  Sound familiar?

Subtle cynicism, or the overly critical nature of our culture, is a toxin Satan uses against the Church. And it’s all the more damaging because we often don’t even realize it’s happening.

It’s time to change our posture. I’m not suggesting an extreme alternative of falsely positive, overly peppy Church culture that says nothing is wrong. Jesus, Paul, David and every writer of scripture has shown us that this is not Biblical.

But when we recognize the dangers of subtle cynicism, we are able to engage in honest conversations that are productive, loving and full of grace.

When Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, he addressed a steady stream of negativity. He pleaded with the church to rally around their shared love for Christ, sacrifice for each other and “do everything without grumbling or arguing.” With this as our example, let’s
remember the following when we are tempted to snap sarcastic quips or offer unsolicited insight:

The Church is the Bride of Christ and deserves our respect.

It is made up of broken people. We may not agree with everything, in fact, we may be spot on in calling out behavior that opposes the Gospel, but let’s speak truth with the love and humility of Jesus. He died for this Bride that He adores, so I’d imagine how we talk about her matters to Him.

Reject anything that resembles an “us” versus “them” mentality.

Jesus was honest about truth and spoke confidently to those who challenged it with their hypocrisy and legalism, yet He did so without mocking or belittling anyone. He didn’t post open letters on the town gates and He didn’t publicly ridicule those who questioned him. He met them with Scripture and self-control. Any foolishness they felt came from getting caught with their foot in their mouth, not from Jesus laughing at them with crowds behind Him.

Focus on what is good.

In the four short chapters of Philippians, Paul instructs the Church to rejoice 15 times. It’s interesting to note that he appears far less concerned with why they are negative and much more concerned with their choosing to change.

Identifying problems is easy. Following Paul’s call to focus on what is good, lovely and admirable takes intentional work, and it breathes new life into our relationships. If God can choose to no longer look on our sin, we can choose to stop focusing on the things we would change in others and get busy loving them instead.

When we become subtle cynics, our ability to grow becomes stunted.

Unveiling flaws outside of ourselves requires little to no personal sacrifice. Examining the depths of our own brokenness requires vulnerability and risk, both of which are essential for growth.

Life in Jesus involves the death of self (Mark 8:34-35). This is difficult to do while clinging to the belief that we know more than someone else. But as we move into a space of grace, our eyes are opened to lessons we were blinded to before, and we begin to find the places in our hearts God longs to address. If we are too busy discussing the ways everyone else needs to change, we lose the ability to see our own need for restoration and we get stuck rather than grow.

Pray first. Talk later.

Paul begins his letter to the Philippians by writing that he thanked God every time he thought of them. If we model Paul’s heart in this way, the thoughts and words that follow will reflect Jesus.

There are times when a thoughtful, loving, critical response is the most appropriate one. But before we jump in to offer it, we should examine our hearts and consider what is most beneficial, being willing to say nothing if it tears others down and hinders the Gospel of Christ. What we say matters. Choose carefully.


Posted by Alan Scott with

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