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Pastor's Points January 2019

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Dear Church Family,
           As you receive this newsletter, our church family has had the opportunity to be informed about April Sharp stepping down from her official duties as our Children’s Ministry Director.  First let me say that I support April and her decision even though I will miss her greatly in this role.  I am convinced that she has sought God’s will for her and her family so the only right thing to do is support and continue to pray for her, Vern, and the girls.  April has invested in the children and families of our church for several years and we should express our thankfulness to her for her faithful service.  We will go forward in children’s ministry building on the foundation in which she has helped to lay.  Thank you April for everything!  The best news in the middle of this change is that April and the family are not going anywhere!!  They are still apart of Oakhill, she just no longer has the responsibility of leading our children’s ministry.  The Sharps will be a part of our church and will serve where God places upon their heart to serve.  As we transition through this change, please know that all our children’s ministries will continue as normal.  We will continue to work through our great children’s ministry team members to provide ministry to our children.

When April came to me several weeks ago and shared with me that she may be stepping down, I began to pray and seek God’s face on what it is we should do if she decided to step down.  After praying for a few weeks, April came back to me and said she knew that God would have her to step down.  In those weeks of prayer God had given me a direction forward for our children’s ministry into the future.   As I shared what God had laid on my heart with our elders, staff, and personnel team God confirmed His direction each step of the way as I spoke with others.  I will be sharing more about that direction at the proper time, but for now I want to encourage our church family to honor April, and for us not to run past the fact that April has given so much in service to her God, her church, and specifically the children of Oakhill!!

As we go through a time of transition, I am convinced that God has so much good for us as we begin 2019 together!!  Ask God to use you like never before in this new year!  If you will seek His face and earnestly ask for His leading, He will give it to you!  I know from personal experience.

I love you and I love being your pastor

Posted by Alan Scott with

Pastor's Points November 2018

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Dear Church Family,
I am setting here after a very long, tiring, amazing Sunday!  On this Sunday (October 28) we had two families join the church, one follow in baptism, and four people prayed for the forgiveness of their sins in our worship services!  And on top of all of that, one of our life groups prepared an awesome appreciation dinner for our pastors as well as April.  Then I got to host my life group in my home for an amazing time of fellowship and discussion of God’s Word this evening.  I would say that I have much to be thankful for.  God is so good to bless me with a wonderful church family.  I am so thankful that God allows me to be the pastor of Oakhill Baptist Church! Also, I want to take this time to thank all of you who   expressed your appreciation to me in the month of October.  Your cards, kind words and expressions of appreciation mean the world to me.  Thank you for caring for your pastors.  We appreciate it tremendously!

We are quickly approaching Thanksgiving and as we do I hope that you will spend some time thinking about all that you have to be thankful for.  If we stop and think, we have so much that we should thank God for.  On November 18th we are going to have the opportunity to gather as a church family for our annual Thanksgiving Fellowship.  I hope that you are planning on attending so we can gather as the church to thank God together for who He is and for what He has done for us!!  Do not forget to pick up your free tickets for this event.  All you need to do on this evening is come ready to enjoy some amazing smoked turkey (thanks Darrell Ommart) and bring a dessert to share with others!  This will be a great night of food, fun, and fellowship!!

In closing I want to say that I know that there are times in life which seem to make it hard to be thankful.  I understand that.  But I want to encourage you with a quote from Dr. Tony Evans as you consider the need to be thankful even in the middle of a desperately hard time.  Dr. Evans shares… “God says to give thanks in everything. That doesn’t mean you need to give thanks FOR everything. You don’t need to give thanks FOR that bad day. Or FOR that bad relationship. Or being passed over at work. Financial hardship. Whatever it is – you are not to give thanks FOR the difficulties, but rather IN the difficulties. That is a very important distinction, and one I think we often miss. Giving thanks IN everything shows a heart of faith that God is bigger than the difficulties and that He can use them, if you approach Him with the right heart and spirit, for your good and His glory.” –Tony Evans

 I love you and I love being your pastor,


Posted by Alan Scott with

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