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Pastor's Points - June 2021

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Dear Church Family,

I am so thankful to be back in the normal rhythm of life in general, but particularly in our church family! Your love, care, and understanding have meant so much to me as your pastor.  I want to take just a moment to thank those who prayed for me, encouraged me through the sending of cards, and acts of kindness.  It was all so helpful and made my recovery better than it would have otherwise been. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Now that I am back to almost 100% capacity, I am looking forward to all that God has for us this summer!  Our summer schedule is out, and I want to encourage you and your family to be a part and enjoy the summer ahead. Our summer is full of opportunities for us to serve, fellowship, learn, grow, and love the Lord and one another. Please pray about who you could invite to come to our worship services during the summer as well as to our church wide family events. I am so excited that we can offer ministry opportunities that we could not offer last summer.

As we make our way through the summer you will see some improvements made to our South Campus bathrooms on the front children’s hallway, and the main bathrooms downstairs by the drink machines.  These improvements were to be a part of phase one of our plan that we presented to our church family last year.  Also, even though we paused our stewardship building campaign last October, we have been steadily working to refine our plan to be ready to go forward with our campaign this coming fall so we can begin in earnest the development and renovation of North and South Campus.  Exciting days are right around the corner!  It is amazing that God provided for us our North Campus right before the pandemic because we have been able to use the space through this time to help us spread out so we could continue with ministries like AWANA, Student Ministry, and on campus Life Groups.   It would have been very difficult to do this without North Campus.  God knew what we needed when we needed it!!  In the fall we will be able to raise the monies we need to begin to pay to develop this property out in a way that will allow us to use it for years to come!

This is a great time to be a part of the Oakhill family!!  God has so much for us!  All we must do is say yes Lord, walk in obedience, and watch what God does!!

I love you and I love being your pastor


Posted by Alan Scott with

Pastor's Points - May 2021

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Dear Church Family,

This month is special to me because it is in this month that I celebrate my yearly anniversary of being your pastor! My first Sunday standing in the pulpit as your pastor was on May 21, 2006. These have been the sweetest 15 years of my ministry!!

When I went through the interview process, I honestly shared with the search committee my convictions about ministry in the local church, and they shared with me what Oakhill was looking for in the future. And in this process it became apparent that God had brought a pastor and a church together for future ministry at Oakhill!!

As I shared with our church my convictions of ministry, the church voted for me to come to serve as pastor. For the past 15 years I have dedicated myself to stay true to the convictions I shared back then, and our church family has kept their word to
support, care, and follow godly leadership when given. I love being your pastor!! God has been so good to me to allow me the privilege of pastoring our church family!

I look forward to many more years together in ministry! God is not done moving and working in and through our church! We are poised to take the next step of faith that God has for us as we anticipate soon going forward in faith to develop and build out the first phase of the plan that God has given us for our North and South Campuses! I am excited to see all that God is going to do!!

In conclusion, many of you know that I have had spinal fusion surgery to correct issues in my back. By the time you read this letter I will be at home on the road to recovery, and out of the pulpit for 4-5 weeks as I recover. I have asked Dr. Todd Linn to fill the pulpit for me in my absence. He is the former Senior Pastor of First Baptist Henderson, Kentucky. Since his retirement, he and his wife Michelle have been attending Oakhill and actively serving. He is a dear brother to me and one of the biggest encouragers to me in life. Please make sure to be at worship because Todd truly is a gifted speaker! You will be blessed as God uses him. Some may ask why our other pastors were not asked to speak. The simple reason is they have picked up extra responsibilities since we have not yet replaced Pastor Nick’s position on staff and are very busy with those responsibilities. They are thankful for Todd being able to help out during this busy season of ministry.

Our church is in good hands. We have wonderful associate pastors, church staff, lay elders, and deacon body! God’s work will continue on without missing a beat!!

I would ask that you pray for me during my recovery. I do not do well not being able to be out working. Pray I do not waste this time and that God would use it in my life to do a deeper work in me. As always...

I love you and I love being your pastor

Posted by Alan Scott with

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