Worship Ministry - February 2025

Here to Serve
I can never say enough how thankful I am for every volunteer here at Oakhill! Not only the many talented people who help lead our church in worship each week, from the band players to the singers and those behind the scenes running sound, lyrics, and livestream; but everyone that serves the Lord through Oakhill. As we serve kids and students from birth till they “leave the nest”, to welcoming guests and making coffee, teaching life groups, serving at the food pantry, and other missions projects; we are the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you! Thank you for serving the Lord and choosing to do it through Oakhill Baptist Church.
“We were not saved from our sin simply so that we would qualify for heaven. God delivered us so we would have a relationship with Him through which He could carry out His mission to redeem a lost world” - Henry Blackaby
In elementary school, I remember being handed a diagram of the food pyramid. We talked about the importance of a balanced diet. How we should eat more fruits, veggies, and proteins and less sugary treats. We were encouraged to exercise. If I’m being open with you, I struggled with that then and I struggle with it now! My kryptonite is ice cream and I would rather watch a movie than go on a run. I am confident that I am not alone in these struggles.
As we strive to grow in Christ, I think just as we are to have a balanced food diet, we need to have a balanced faith diet. I struggle with this and I am confident I am not alone in these struggles. For some of us, prayer is easy, or evangelism (sharing the gospel with the lost) comes naturally to us. For others, we find these things and other aspects of our walk with Christ difficult to give the importance they deserve. I want to encourage us to ask the Lord to show us where, in the “balanced diet” of our faith, we need to give some attention so we can be more like Christ.
As I wrote earlier, I am thankful for all those who serve here at Oakhill; but for some of us reading this, we have not been giving service or doing the work of Christ the importance it deserves. It is easy for us to unknowingly live a life like Blackaby wrote about. It is easy for us, once we are saved, to think we are “good.” I have punched my ticket to heaven and I can just live my life now, never accepting the responsibilities that God places on the lives of His followers. Especially the responsibility of serving others!! We don’t live in a world where serving others is encouraged; rather it’s all about you and what you want and what you “deserve.” We are compelled, however, to live out Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." We do this by serving others! Giving our time, our energy, our money, and our emotional space to others so that we may put them before ourselves for the honor and glory of God.
So, be on the lookout for opportunities to serve others, whether here at church or out in the world. I promise that opportunities are abundant and may we do this work with the joy of the Lord in our hearts as we serve Him and His people.
Love you and mean it!