April 2016 Kid's Happenings

Hello Church Family,
I am so excited to say that we had an amazing turn out for our Easter Eggstravaganza. We were met with some odd dynamics this year. Not only was it Easter weekend, but it was also spring break. There was the potential of having less volunteers and less children. Well, God proved all those dynamics would not hinder His work. We had approximately 210 children and an abundance of help. Praise God for the wonderful weather and fellowship with our community and church family!
Upward was also another huge blessing! We were able to see lives change within the children and their families, as well as witness a baptism of one our basketball players. It doesn’t get any better than that! Thank you to everyone that helped make this year’s Upward season so amazing! A special thank you to Jacob Townsend for helping to facilitate all the coaches, practices, games, devotions etc.. Without you constantly seeking God’s will within our Upward ministry it wouldn’t be what it is today.
Looking into the coming months… I want to encourage everyone to consider volunteering somewhere within our Vacation Bible School. Whether it be prior to, during or even after VBS, there is a place for you. Please visit the sign up table in the lobby to see where you can dive into this year’s “Submerged” VBS. There will be several needs such as: administration, decorating, food preparation, teaching, games, crafts, music, drama and much, much more. I promise you won’t regret it and it will not only be a Blessing to others, but you will feel Blessed in the moment.
Thank you for the opportunity to love on your children.
God Bless,
April Sharp