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Women On Mission - September 2024

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Sub-Saharan Africa is the area in the continent of Africa that lies south of the Sahara. It contains 53 countries. In early October, Todd and Michele Linn will be going to Zambia where Todd will be teaching at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Lusaka, serving as Seminary Lecturer.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: This month, missionaries will be trained in Virginia to go to the nations. Pray this intense time of training would be exactly what each one needs to help him or her flourish once he or she gets to the missions field. Pray those making Sub-Saharan Africa their home would prepare their hears and minds for what is ahead and trust in God through the process.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: Pray for pastors and church leaders in East Africa who desire to study God’s Word daily and meet weekly to share what they are learning. Ask God to give each one a hunger and thirst for His Word. Pray missionaries in this region would have increased energy and wisdom to be able to meet the needs around them and that they would stay steadfast in studying God’s Word.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: This summer, a high school team is serving among youth in Nairobi, Kenya. Pray they would serve local Kenyan churches and see Kenyan youth come to Christ. Also, pray the Lord would use this trip in the students’ lives to call them to the missions field.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: Soon women serving as missionaries in Sub-Saharan Africa will gather together. Pray for safe travel, good health, and the logistics of this important time. Pray they would be refreshed in their spirit, that their hearts would be open to hear from the Lord, and that they would have fun as they
fellowship together. Thank the Lord for this opportunity for these missionaries to be further equipped for cross-cultural ministry and encouraged through studying God’s

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: The prosperity gospel is rampant in Sub-Saharan Africa. Many people claim Christianity but follow a prosperity gospel motivated by what God can give rather than the true gospel of Jesus. Pray they would have their eyes opened to the truth and praise God alone.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: Missionaries in Durban, South Africa, asked that we pray for the many Muslims there to hear about Jesus. “Pray they would experience our love for each of them through the various projects we are doing to help them, that Jesus would reveal Himself, and that they would allow Him to make an eternal change in their lives.”

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: Missionaries in Tanzania, with the blessing of the local medical doctor and the village leaders, are allowed to visit the homes of pregnant women and newborns. Pray this would allow them to build relationship with the women and their families. Pray the missionaries would be able to share the gospel and people would have the opportunity to respond in faith.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: Pray the Lord would open the hearts of the lost with whom missionaries have been sharing the gospel. Many times, people do not respond right away, and missionaries in Sub-Saharan Africa continue to pray and meet with them over and over before they decide to follow or reject Christ. Pray missionaries would persevere in sharing with those who are lost.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: Pray for the more than 20 students who meet weekly for busy seminary classes in Kaabong, Uganda. Pray God would raise up strong families in this community. Pray the missionaries serving there would have wisdom and diligence as they lead the men and that they would live with truth and
boldness as they shepherd their churches.

Prayer Focus - Sub-Saharan African Peoples: Jesus told His followers to pray the Lord of the harvest would send more laborers into His harvest field (Luke 10:1-2). Pray God would send more workers to come alongside missionaries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Malawian church, specifically in leadership development and next-gen ministry.

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The Stats - September 2024

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August 4

August 11

August 18

August 25

8:00 AM Worship





9:30 AM Worship





11:00 AM Worship





Worship Total





Hispanic Worship





Total Worship





Oakhill Budget Offering





Mission Club





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