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Worship January 2018

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Church Family,

I hope that this new year finds you well. As I reflect on this past year, I am thankful to God in so many ways. I’ve seen him move in my own life as I have grown closer to Him. I’ve seen him move in my family, as he has blessed Annaclaire and I with a beautiful  daughter. And I’ve seen him move in our Church Family in so many ways. As we have  worshiped together Sunday after Sunday, I’ve seen God move through the voices of our congregation. We have worshiped God because we have so much to worship Him for. Are we perfect? No. Are our lives perfect? No. Is our Church perfect? No. But with every “no” we see in our lives, we are intersected by a powerful “yes” in Jesus. We may not     always get what we want. But God, our Father, gives us what we need. He knows what we need, and it’s better than anything we could want.

So my prayer for this new year, is that we will find our “yes” in Jesus. We will all be tempted to look to so many things to say “yes” to us. But the reality is that there are many things in life that we want, and we’re told “no.” And these desires aren't always bad things. Maybe you want to start a family, and the answer right now is, “no.” Maybe you want a new job and the answer right now is, “no.” Maybe you want to be married and the answer right now is, “no.” There are many things we want, and even the good things, sometimes, have to wait.

But when we come to Jesus, and we ask Him for the things He’s already promised, we get a resounding “yes.” If we ask for His faithfulness, his answer is always, “yes.” If we ask for His presence, His goodness, His mercy, His provision, His forgiveness, the answer to all of these desires is a resounding, “yes!” So this year, let’s find our “yes” in Jesus. We may hear the word “no” a lot, but if we come to Jesus and receive everything He’s already promised to give us, then we will find joy. We’ll find hope.
I am so excited about this year, and I believe God has big things planned for us as a Church Family. I hope you’ll come and be a part of what God is doing. There is always a place for you!

In Christ,

Posted by Jared Mitchell with