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September Student Ministry

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Regular Program



Sunday Mornings 9:30 - 10:45am in the Student Center 


A pulse is the rhythm of a heart beating and is consistent in order to keep you alive. Similarly, Pulse Student Worship strives to be like a pulse. We want to be a consistent rhythm to help keep a student journeying well with Christ through worship. Pulse Student Worship is for all students in 6 – 12 grade. Our goal during this time is to worship and study God’s Word together as a group.



Sunday Nights 5:30 – 7:00pm at church


A doctor uses an EKG to look at patterns in the way the heart beats and rhythms of the heart to help diagnosis a heart condition or to tell if the heart is completely healthy. In the same way, E.K.G. is a small group of students with a leader who examine the heartbeats of life spiritually—trying to find patterns and rhythms in the heart that are in line with Scripture. Each night will include gym/game time, a small snack, and gender/grade separated small group time with a leader who will facilitate discussions through curriculum from Student Life.



High School Tuesday Nights 6:00 - 9:00pm (see below for detailed schedule)

Junior High Wednesday Nights 6:00 – 7:30pm 


Just like a defibrillator is used to treat life-threatening heart rhythms, De.Fib is a time of outreach to those who are lost. It is a time for students to bring friends where we will have an open conversation about different topics that threaten our heart rhythms spiritually. We examine topics like creation, anger, relationships (family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend), and so many others. This is a great opportunity for students to invite friends who have questions about Christianity so they can hear a  

Biblical world-view on different topics.


High School Schedule:

6:00 – 7:00pm  - A deeper time of discipleship focused on students who already have a walk with the Lord

7:00 – 8:00pm  - Recreation time. Some free time in the gym, but will also include structured games.

8:00 – 9:00pm  - Topical discussion with a focus on students who do not know the Lord

**A student does not need to attend every part of this program, but they are more than welcome to. They may pick and choose to be apart of various parts. 



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Periodic Email Newsletter: To sign up click here

Text Messaging Service:  text  @addme2  to  (440) 328-4588 or click here

Instagram:  follow us on Instagram: pulse_ministries



Volunteers Needed

If you are interested in working with students in 6th - 12th grade, please take one of the Volunteer Catalogs on the Welcome Center Desk. In this catalog you will find descriptions of some of the roles that we need help in. If you are interested, please return the “Interest Card” in the back of the catalog to Pastor Mark.


If you have any questions about how to plug in more, please contact me!


Much Love to you all,
