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Student Ministry - September

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Dear Church Family,

Many people are talking about the current state of affairs of the world and asking if we are in the end times. Well, biblically speaking, we have been in the end times since the time of the New Testament (1 John 2:18). But I understand what everyone means. It feels like we are getting really close to the time that Jesus will return. Maybe we are, maybe we are not. Many times we look to the book of Revelation to tell us how to know when Jesus is coming back. But scripture tells us that no one can know when He will come (Matt. 24:42-44). So what is the point of Revelation?

This topic is especially relevant to students today. For whatever reason, students love discussing the end times and Revelation. This is not only a subject of fascination for students. I hear many adults talking with a sense of enchantment about these things. And I would be lying if I said I was not interested in these things as well. But it is very important that we understand what Jesus was ultimately trying to communicate through John in this bizarre book. Instead of seeing it like a detailed map of the exact signs and symbols of what to expect before Jesus comes, we should look at it like a painting which shows us the hues and colors of what life is going to be like until He does return. I am speaking very generally here. Of course, Revelation does give us things to look out for to indicate we are getting closer. But I do not believe it is trying to give us the  exact time and location. God gave us this book so we would be ready for what the world was going to be like while we waited for Christ’s return.

This is made clear when we consider who it was originally written to. The early church at that time was under heavy persecution as they were being pressured by force to worship the emperor. It seemed like there was no hope for the future. If they were detained by Roman officials and did not deny Christ, they would lose their lives. But those Christians who remained received the encouraging words of Revelation, which really just went to support much of what the Bible has already communicated.

Do you ever feel like the world is being consumed by wickedness? Like those who are in power are corrupt and corrupting? Like each successive generation is less concerned with godliness and holiness? Like each and every day it becomes more of a challenge to live for Christ? Well, there are a couple things to keep in mind when we start to notice these feelings.

First, we are not the first generation to feel this way. If you read Christian authors from the past you will find that we have all felt this way since the New Testament. The world is living up to what we should expect knowing what scripture has told us about these end times. Which brings us to the second thing to remember, God has been preparing His people for this all along the way. He tells us in Proverbs 24:9-10 “Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked; For there will be no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked will be put out.” This line of thought is given in Psalm 37:1, 73:3 and many other places. Much of the Bible is there to reassure the people of God that while things might seem to be out of hand, justice will still come from the hand of the Lord. The wicked will perish and those in Christ will live forever with Him when He returns. This is the main point of Revelation. I do not know about you, but I need to be reminded sometimes that the wicked will not be able to strut about forever. I can rest knowing that Jesus will have the last word.

If you are wrestling with fear, anxiety, anger, or some other emotion regarding all that is taking place in our world, remember that God has promised from Genesis to Revelation that He is in control and that He will put an end to all that is wrong with His creation. Oh that we would proclaim the gospel freely so that, like us, some may be rescued from their wickedness and the final justice of the Lord.

Brian Van Doren


Posted by Brian Van Doren with

Pastor's Points - August

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Dear Church Family,

As we enter August and the unknown of this strange new reality that we are living in, I want to encourage us to live our lives free from the spirit of fear.  Let me first say that I know that some people can get very upset when you talk about not living in fear.  Right away they get offended or say that they are not fearful, they are just very concerned about things that are going on. But I believe the reality is that there are many people living in fear of a lot of things.  Some live in fear of the unknown, others live in fear of Covid 19, others live in fear of government overreach, and still others live in the fear of not being in control.  People are very concerned and often rightly so, but we must never allow fear to set in and be the controlling factor of our lives.  Fear is real and we all experience it at some point and time in life.

But the good news for us is that God’s Word speaks to the reality of fear. There are many places in scripture where we can find insight as to how to approach fearful times, or feelings of fear that can paralyze us.  But let me just point you to two simple verse for now.

First Isaiah 41:10 reminds us…Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10These are not suggestions.  These are commands for us to follow.  We are to not fear or be dismayed!

But I must admit that I have recently participated in both.  I have been afraid. For me it is the fear of the unknown, and fear of not making right decisions. I have been distressed over the events going on in our world.  What does all this mean?  What facts are to be believed?  Which experts are right? I love what one pastor reminds us though about Isaiah 41:10…
“God is calling all of you to not be afraid. Fear not, because God is with you. Fear not, because God is your God. Fear not,
because God will strengthen you. Fear not, because God will help you. Fear not, because God will support you and hold you up by his victorious right hand.

“I am your God.” That is, I am above you. I am over you with my mighty hand. Over you. I am with you. Beside you. I will help you from whatever angle the enemy may come — or the attack or threat. I am all around you as your help. I will strengthen you from inside out. I will be your strength. And I will uphold you from underneath you. Do not be afraid.

And there is one great ground for fearlessness: God. You have a God who is infinitely more powerful! He is God! He is God! Do you believe him? Do not be afraid.”

Jesus said, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God” (John 14:1). What else can we say? “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

As we go forward let’s apply both Isaiah 41:10 and John 14:1 and make up our minds that…
1. We Will Not Fear.
2. We Will Not be Dismayed.
3. We Will Not Let Our Hearts be Troubled.
4. We Will Believe in God.
5. We Will Remember that God is With Us.
6. We Will Remember that Ge Will Strengthen Us.
7. We Will Remember that God Will Help Us.
8. We Will Remember that we are secure in His Hand and He assures us victory!

I love you and I love being your pastor!!

Posted by Alan Scott with

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